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06/05/23 1:25 PM

#304285 RE: MU_Redskin1 #304283

HAM has ZERO credibility and just plain makes shit up!



06/05/23 1:49 PM

#304309 RE: MU_Redskin1 #304283

DD - Linda and HAMShortkiller bringing the HEAT! William Farrand interview!

HAMShortkiller said he spoke with Linda for two hours about Alpine and the Kramers and naked shorters in William Farrand’s video! Take the time and fast forward and listen to this video from 4:17:00 to 4:23:00. This is mandatory for DBMM investors!

Topics Alpine, Kramers and Linda in just 6 minutes of your time!

William Farrand question

Is it possible that Kramers blame Alpine and do not cover the fake shares? They are being investigated. The Kramer’s made their money, whatever it is, are preparing for lawsuits and are out of the play. Is anybody on wall street going to protect the Kramers?

HAM reply on the Kramers

“Nobody’s ever gonna protect these guys (Kramers) they are the biggest crooks in creation, and that’s what it is. I don’t know what they are going to do with these characters, ya’ know.”


ALPINE has been the biggest crook on the street for 20 years. GTII exposed them when the stock screamed to $9. They got caught short and they have no money in their accounts. They were playing the game with no money. Again, You can’t play wall street unless you have money. You have to remember on the short side the loss is infinite. Do you realize that the DTCC has caught these guys and they will have to go through the legal process to shut them down. It looks to me like they are picking up the pace as they have had enough of these guys.


HAM’s comments regarding Linda to William Farrand:

I’ve spoken to her. She is one tough cookie, smart as a whip. She was the one who told me the Kramers prime broker was Alpine. She was right on the nose. I reported it to everyone two months before the stuff came out from the DTCC.

She is a wonderful woman. She fought to get this company trading again to get away from the Kramers. She is someone to stand behind, she is a woman of her word, I will tell you that.

She’s told me point blank she is NOT quitting until she turns this thing around. I had a two hour conversation with her.

Now go back and read this statement and it is very obvious that Linda and HAMShorter had a strategy session and have brought in legal counsel that are already prosecuting ALPINE and the Kramers!

Three Amigos and Linda hunt the financial terrorists! Watch between NOW and July 4th for the fireworks! imo.

ALPINE/ KRAMERS Financial Terrorists?!?! No matter, Linda and the Three Amigos have their number !

Load ‘em, Lock ‘em GTC AND hold for MOASS Gold! Investor patience will be rewarded as the naked shorts get CRUSHED soon, very soon! ;-)


Cheers, Red

Fai 2

06/08/23 10:08 AM

#305420 RE: MU_Redskin1 #304283

Oh that ham! "HAM SEZ: Three Amigos/Linda ID financial terrorists! Watch between NOW and July 4th for the fireworks! imo.

ALPINE/ KRAMERS Financial Terrorists?!?! No matter, Linda and the Three Amigos have their number !

“..Alpine Securities appears to be a company that never received the memo about playing by the rules. In the last decade alone, the SEC and FINRA have reached hundreds of settlements with the company for its shady practices – that's right, hundreds! “$GTII $DBBM @OKeefeMedia

— kristen shaughnessy (@kshaughnessy2) April 15, 2023

Alpine definitely is a "Bad Actor" more like Financial Terrorist. Going back at least a decade with $DBMM along with Kramers. Billions shorted. Fun fact Miranda Fritz Esq. Is lawyer for Alpine & DBMM and DBMM CEO Linda knew about the $GTII #COUNTERFEITSHARES #NakedShorts 1st. ??

— RRR1 (@rrr1sr) April 19, 2023

$GTII $MMTLP $DBMM SEC charges thousands of violations relating to SAR's Suspicions Activities Reports. John Hurry is a Financial Terrorist Alpine Still operates continuing to Steal. Alpine/John Hurry(Perm Ban) willing participant in the Kramers Crime spree & hides the receipts.

— RRR1 (@rrr1sr) April 19, 2023

The CEO of $DBMM has plenty of Knowledge on Kramers and Alpine $GTII @JWesChristian Dont forget to reach out t o her@JamesOKeefeIII she told us ALPINE was the prime before they were busted

— HAM (@HAMShortkiller) April 15, 2023

Load ‘em, Lock ‘em GTC AND hold for MOASS Gold! Investor patience will be rewarded as the naked shorts get CRUSHED soon, very soon!


Cheers, Red"