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06/04/23 2:02 PM

#143688 RE: x993231 #143686

X, the short sellers who sold at higher prices have most likely already covered at a nice profit. The 21 million shares that are currently short are most likely at a breakeven price or have a loss.

Because Lightwave Logic is now a commercial stage company with enormous potential, it is unlikely that a huge market correction will bail out the shorts. Index funds who sell will see their shares be quickly soaked up by long term investors. If the shorts were thinking they could cover by buying shares from LPC and Roth, they have miscalculated.

The best scenario happens when short sellers BTC (buy to close) at let’s say $8.00 to get out for good. But, the shares purchased is supplied by a new short sale STO (sell to open) hoping to sell at $8.00 and buy back at $5.00. Because the stock is being accumulated by real long term investors, the stock continues to rise and the short seller who sold at $8.00 is now buying back at $10. Where do those shares come from? You guessed it…a new short seller looking to short at $10 and make a quick buck by buying back at $7.00.

So the short interest stays at 21 million as the stock price moves higher. It can actually increase as the stock moves higher because the shares that get purchased by the institutions have to come from somewhere.


06/04/23 2:41 PM

#143691 RE: x993231 #143686

No Short squeeze. The company has done nothing to cause a huge price rise.
Even if/when the produce a contract, there is slim/no chance of the industry retooling because of GOO.


06/04/23 3:36 PM

#143697 RE: x993231 #143686

I am not so sure it is not in store for us without further news. I have seen stocks that have sudden news and a surge in volume get throttled like this several days after. The explanation could be as simple as the market maker has to settle out his books. The MM must provide the liquidity for that day to keep the market moving, but often immediately after you will see this in a stock that is normally lightly traded. We may see the launch next week. The pop at the end of the day says we are ready for the next leg up.