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06/03/23 5:32 PM

#598154 RE: reg2015 #598145

I'm sure we'll get today's presentation shortly, but at the same time it was great to review the presentation from years ago. I'm uncertain if they've had another where patients in the trial, or who received DCVax-L through compassionate use or right to try have appeared and told their stories, but I often think that's more powerful than what the Drs. have to say. As I remember it, none of those who spoke were in the trial, and I'm uncertain if trial participants are permitted to do so.

I know that IMGN also was working on Merkle Cell and am uncertain if they've abandoned that effort. It's a very deadly, but rare, cancer. It seems to me that the company is willing to take on some of the worst cancers and certainly not all of them end up cancer free, but I suspect that many live well beyond what their Drs. had predicted without DCVax-L. It's my belief that as more is learned about DCVax-L in more solid cancers we'll find other existing therapeutics that failed previously in those cancers that will succeed when combined with DCVax-L.
