Kramers combined 40 years of FRAUD.
ALPINE thousands of violations.
Kramers pattern of BILLIONS of shares per ticker. Up to last year, 2 more tickers.
If I said many years ago that Kramers would DO FRAUD with HUD. No one would believe me, lol. And YES, they did commit fraud with HUD.
GTI! ran .50 to $9 the other Kramer/Alpine ticker. And we heard the sane NO NAKED SHORTING (wink wink )
DBMM had BILLIONS of shares traded. High irregular volume is the first clue of Naked Shorting + Kramers FRAUD history + Alpine history + DBMM volume data + GT!! .50 to $9 = EPIC MOASS DBMM .50 TO $2 IMO . NAKED SHORTS ARE in DEEP DOO DOOOOOOOOOOO