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05/30/23 5:23 PM

#302212 RE: CD_98 #302211

Every BIT of that is hearsay and imagination.

Unlike the $500K ( + ) liability line attributed to convertible Debentures, found in the latest DBMM 10Q.


05/30/23 7:03 PM

#302238 RE: CD_98 #302211

Please sticky this post. As few take the time to post the real issue at hand here. The real
Reason naked shorting IS RAMPANT IN BOTH the markets as a while and otc.
Plenty want evidence. This is why we are retail Arnt privy to the fraud before us. It’s not in plain sight as some claim.

Please sticky for reference. As many fail to understand.
Thanks CD


05/30/23 7:10 PM

#302240 RE: CD_98 #302211

The CEO of GTII has already admitted that there are naked short shares that caused the spike in price to $ 8.79. There will be a time when Linda of DBMM will have to make the same claim. Good luck to all and be safe !!!


05/30/23 9:18 PM

#302249 RE: CD_98 #302211

MUST READ! Great post CD

Re: Jetmek_03052 post# 302175
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 5:20:26 PM
Post# of 302248
I see ZERO proof that there was even a SINGLE "naked share" shorted.

One needs a subpoena to look in the DTCC vault (CNS program). Second reason naked shorted shares are not seen, they are illegal. Exempt fake shares, phantom shares, synthetic shares, whatever you want to call them are hidden because they are illegal. There could be a couple of hundred million #DBMM naked short shares or it could be a billion or it could be 5 times the float or more.

And the final reason you will NOT find Waldo (naked short shares) is because when one ticker is exposed ALL THE NAKED SHORTED TICKERS GET EXPOSED.

Too much for the SEC to handle. Too many acceptance wavier and consents handed out by FINRA. The DTCC's vault and CNS program is finally exposed for what it is. They already know but still insist retail investors are stupid.

Banks (both FINRA and the DTCC) regulating banks. Members of both entities are BANKS. Look up the memberships of both.

When the naked short shares are found let us know how many. More UFO sightings than naked short share sightings. They are hidden out of sight. If NSS were in plain sight the DTCC and FINRA both regulators would have to do some regulating, no? Gary would have to get off his Gensler and do something as well.

Get rid of the market markers and one gets rid of 90% of the problems. The other 10% is easy peasy.

If Kramer family office is unregulated (they do not report anything) is Alpine also unregulated? Was PowerUp Lending unregulated? Seems like neither Alpine or PowerUp report much until the crap hits the fan. With Alpine it seems to be hitting right now. PowerUp website still down?

How many naked short shares of #DBMM could a wood chuck naked short if a wood chuck could naked short #DBMM shares?


OTC Whisperer

05/30/23 9:32 PM

#302250 RE: CD_98 #302211

Great post! Shareholders know these things already, naked shorts pretend to not to…Suckering noobies into selling their shares on the cheap is a lucrative job!


05/30/23 10:35 PM

#302251 RE: CD_98 #302211

Oh wow. Oh yes.

Fai 2

05/30/23 11:29 PM

#302253 RE: CD_98 #302211

Excellent post THANKS.


05/31/23 12:40 AM

#302267 RE: CD_98 #302211

Nice post.Admin please sticky for future reference


05/31/23 9:15 AM

#302278 RE: CD_98 #302211


Who has to cover synthetic naked short shares?

1.) Kramers


3.) DTCC

The Kramer’s and ALPINE will try to make a plea deal to throw each other under the bus. The Wes Christian and FINRA lawsuits against ALPINE/ Kramers should help bring this NSS saga to an end real soon!

ALPINE SEC court decision date is TODAY Wednesday May 31, 2023.

Question? Will the Rats throw each other under the BUS!?

These should be some really great depositions when the liars, cheats and charlatans try to save their asses from serving prison sentences!


Cheers, Red