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05/10/23 12:26 AM

#117966 RE: Musical Shares #117965

He has stolen from investors millions of dollar when he did a reverse split 1,500 shares to 1 share. Outrageously criminal, immoral and crooked in my book. He will pay sooner or later for his grave sin in hell


05/12/23 8:57 AM

#117968 RE: Musical Shares #117965

How many shares do you think koos has sold to investors?

I bet he can’t even get his brother Brian to buy any shares.

I’m still waiting for David to address the white paper that has never been released. Davis said he’d address it but never did. We know why he hasn’t.

The money paid to his brother wasn’t for anything other than a loan payback disguised as work to be performed that never was done, imo.

Koos, like his online pumpers, should be in jail for white collar financial crimes