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gimmee greenbacks

05/05/23 12:58 PM

#313462 RE: Simpsonly #313456

Makes sense to me Simps..



05/05/23 2:19 PM

#313463 RE: Simpsonly #313456

>>>Respectful correction:
"providing income for the whelans while maintaining a connection to andy, the dead pater familias"

What income? Everyone involved must have BIEL as a side-hustle, otherwise they would all have starved long, long ago...... a river of red ink.

Income for the Whelans since inception of the company to present is an unknown, to wit, net profit vs liabilities. Another definition of “insanity” would be to assume that the years have been all for nought financially for the family, even if the company were to fold today. And so, I’m of the opinion that there has been appreciable financial advantages for the family, during whatever timeline it’s happened, and even considering the monies lost via voluntary relinquishment of interest payments.

Of course, should certain things “happen” that result in an appreciable and consistent PPS trajectory (Adcock Ingram), their assumed appreciable holdings take on another dimension…possibly to the moon. Just don’t know how far they’ve traveled along that moon path so far. No way to know.

The whole Synergy process, follow-up, and results is an unknown. Adcock/South Africa, etc. shows promise but is weighted down by the cliche of “this time is different” blaring from the bullhorn over the years, by whomever. Should it not pan out, it means past is prologue. Should it pan out, it increases PPS, investor interest, and other companies earnestly scoping us out to see “what’s up”, especially with NOPAIN Act on deck.

Should all stay status quo, BIEL is still worth a measured investment given the upcoming NOPAIN Act. Should things “change” (Adcock et al), that accelerates interest via prospective M&A.

And yes, I know of the past alternatives suggested and rejected. It is what it is, unless and until it isn’t. I just don’t see it happening. I might be wrong.

All imo.