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05/06/23 3:34 PM

#408326 RE: CaptBeer #408200

Yeah, me a big dummy sometimes! Been having some major brain farts over the last month or two, like cog function is worse (it is) - I'm building new doors to replace the rotted ones on my shed and I've had at least four "I can't believe you effing made such a stupid mistake!!" issues with my design and assembly so far - worried enough that I talked to one of my PTs about it the other day when I discovered I'd made another big boo-boo. Memory is still very good, so it's not a "whole brain" problem, it just involves thinking and problem solving, especially when math is involved. For some reason I've been sleeping 2 hours less per night than I used to, and while that's usually a good thing when it happens occasionally, whatever is causing it now is definitely affecting cog function, like I'm sleep deprived. It's not a Lyme or EBV flare because those make me sleep an extra two hours per day. I recently discovered legal CBD gummies that contain delta 8 or delta 9 extracts, and they make my short term memory vaporize for the next few hours after I take even half of one - although I only take 1/4 or 1/2 of one once or twice a week to help me relax at night I think they may be having long lasting affects on my brain function. Don't smoke pot so don't know if that would have the same affect, but it didn't when I was young (stopped in my late 20's). But I'll get the chance to find out if I want to starting July 1 - my state made recreational THC products legal, and the same law banned CBD products - the pot lobbyists didn't want any competition for customers who use CBD so they put the CBD product growers/sellers out of business. I'll probably run an experiment - put away the concentrated delta 8/9 gummies and try some THC gummies to see if they have the same long term effect - if yes, it's back to drinking some alcohol to relax after a stressful day. Wish I didn't have asthma - can't smoke, can't even breathe second hand smoke w/o having a coughing spasm - I know from hearing on radio talk shows/podcasts about the diff between edibles and smoking is that the edibles are much harder to get a handle on because it takes so long for the full effects to hit you and the effects last hours longer - maybe days longer in my addled brain ;-) BTW, there's a great show on the Discovery channel about this business - "Growing Belushi" - it's hilarious (two other comedians are business partners) and educational if you want to know how different strains are created and how the whole process works - it's WAY more complicated when run as a commercial business compared to growing some plants out in a state forest or corn field and selling it on the street. Only part of the increased difficulty is due to meeting regulations and testing requirements - the real problem is these operations are run like assembly line factories - if there's a delay in one process like the growing house it can affect or ruin a month's worth of product (can't get plants into drying and processing houses in time to make room for the next batch of plants), worth $500k in Belushi's case. Sort of like how "just in time" component deliveries killed car manufacturing in the US during the pandemic - assembly lines had to shut down for lack of parts - in the old days they had large inventories of parts on hand, but not anymore.