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05/04/23 12:08 PM

#16584 RE: nsomniyak #16582

Every other stock I own has done better than Auph over the last 6 years I've owned Aurinia. Voclosporin is a fantastic drug which is why I am so pissed off that the PG has absolutely dropped the ball and not fulfilled his sole purpose for being appointed the ceo. All he's done has been to fill his pockets while totally disregarding the shareholders who supported the company and took the risks even before the drug was approved. I will never suffer from Stockholm syndrome like some here. At some point enough is enough and we are way beyond that point. This management team has held this company back long enough. Vote no even though it probably won't matter as the PG probably has that covered. The only question is when he will ever be satisfied enough with his number of free shares to sell the company and will we still be around to see that day.