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Replies to #1647 on reaper board
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05/13/23 2:33 AM

#1648 RE: reaper247 #1647

Hi Reaper,

Just spent about two hours playing ToTK. While the environment is different, in many ways the overall game play is a continuation of BoTW. I’m still in the process of obtaining the basic tools of the game, and learning 1-oh-1’s of the how-to’s, but overall I’m enjoying it. Will report more opinions in the coming weeks as I play more.

With regards to my innocuous statement with regards to self-reflection… having grown up in “red” america, living in “blue”america, and now residing in “purple america (and yes, all three are in WA), I feel that I have a unique perspective. I don’t think this makes me better than anyone, but I do feel that it gives me a credible, well-rounded opinion of the state of our country (and the world, for that matter).

We are in a spot, both nationally and at the world scale, where authoritarianism is taking a stronger hold and trying to push out democracies. America is no exception to this, and I believe is not only susceptible to democracy dying, but might be the most “at-risk” of any of the wealthy democracies in the world.

There is a saying that tells us we need to “learn from history.” Most of the time we brush this sentiment off as a “I get it, but we’ve already learned.” I don’t believe this at all now. We are on the precipice of, not only repeating history (circa 1917 through 1945), but it is even more dangerous now because of the technologies we have.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am not a Chicken Little type of person. That said, for the past few years I have self-reflected to ensure that I am not over-reacting or trying to appease my own ego.

I feel confident that I am of sound mind and body. What we’re seeing today is scary. We need to STOP the tribalism. We NEED to be humble and accept when we’re wrong sometimes. We need to realize that the authoritarians are trying to distract us with why the “other side’s” political policies are bad for us. The authoritarians are playing a zero-sum game for power. The are playing with the minds of a LOT of good people who lack means to live comfortably. They foment anger and fear to obtain votes from these GOOD people. For what reason?? Power..

Authoritarianism is antithetical to being American. By definition it means that we no longer vote for our leaders. We entrust one person (and their hand-picked cronies) to “do what’s right for the people.”

Listen, there’s legitimate work that needs to be done in this country. There are people who have been left behind and can’t achieve the American dream. Fomenting hate and authoritarianism is not the answer. Nor are a “defund the police” or “progressive wokism” the answer.

I’ve gone on a rant and appreciate you providing your forum for these things sometimes.

You’re a practical person. I know we don’t see eye to eye on every political issue, but without having ever met you, I can tell that the two of us are the types of people who our friends, family, and colleagues respect - even if they disagree with us.

To end this on a more positive note - I’m going to introduce my son to the Lego movie soon. Because…. Well… it’s awesome. Be well, and thanks again for letting me rant :).