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05/03/23 11:03 AM

#7394 RE: Tbags7 #7393

I have a full day ahead, and not that much time. But I want to take some of that time to reply to your post.

I am an investor following the vision of the opportunity offered by Gulfslope Energy. That is unchanged.

What has changed is the current administration, it’s attack on fossil fuels, and it’s attack on the country’s economy (inflation).

You are wearing an ‘investor’ hat. But if you put a ‘trader’ hat on, perhaps this all becomes more clear.

In my opinion, Brokers and Market Makers are negotiating these larger trades. So it is most likely not any of the traders from this board. You are right though probably a liquidation, perhaps forced.

But if we are not careful, we can still negatively affect what is going on. For example, assume for a moment that there is a group, unnamed in this discussion, with the desire to take advantage of the situation.

The reason is simple. Manipulating the share price lower provides the opportunity to purchase shares really cheaply. The idea being to get them as cheap as possible, then attempt to manipulate the share price higher, and higher again. Sales provide the profits.

You already know how this works. I know this from some of the terms used on the board. Dirt bid. Scalper. Whacking the bid. Slap the ask. Etc.

What makes it all the more risky at this time is that other investors are also already nervous. What if something was to trigger a big downward move? Reminds me of the term ‘avalanche’.

And that is the danger of ‘the game’ being played. These are not normal days. And reactions may not be normal either. An opportunity to sell higher may not ever come if the bottom falls out. This can easily be the fire providing that smoke you are worried about.

So the players accumulating cheap shares might only end up with a worthless pile in the end. Because they failed to see the damage that can be caused in the wake of the game. This is not a time to play the game. This is a time to support the stock, the company, and shareholders. Play later.

Thinking of trying to liquidate your position? Getting a few fractions of a penny is better than nothing? Think about it some more.

You are right to worry. That move is what starts the avalanche. Anyone with large numbers of shares can kick it off. What is the likelihood that we can all sell our GSPE holdings without negative effects?

Nope. We may only crash it. And if we do, it may not ever return. This is one of the reasons I still hold my shares in hopes that Gulfslope is allowed the opportunity to succeed. Hopefully these sales are nervous investors selling off. And if it holds to that, we escape with only a scare.

Fortunately, someone is buying. So somebody has a vision for a brighter future. Someone with big bucks to commit. But if we join in the selling, mayhem may follow…. The only things I plan to follow are the whales.

Again, you are right to worry. Some players do not care about the company. Or other shareholders. They only focus on running the price lower and accumulating cheaper shares. When they finally see it coming, it may well be too late for them.

The short-term may be challenging. There is nothing we can do about it. This die was cast a long time back. And the only long-term play I see is to wait it out, and start over.

The good news is none of this will diminish the need or demand for oil and gas. The GSPE product will still be viable and valuable in locating new GOM shallow offshore accumulations. A new day will dawn. Perhaps hard to visualize at this time, but it will come nonetheless.

None of us created any of this. We are not accountable. We only failed to act in a timely enough manner. And we did not fully appreciate the dangers to the oil and gas industry and the economy brought to us courtesy of incompetent politicians swimming in waters over their heads, with ideas that appear to not be well thought out.

That may not be accurate. They likely thought about it quite a bit. And then decided the damage is acceptable if they get to take over the government and hold all the power. This might be the “fundamental change” that was promised.

Ask Joe and the other politicians about it, if you ever see them. Although I doubt any of them are smart enough to realize what damage their efforts actually caused. And, in any case, I am certain they will be unwilling to admit their role.

After all, from their perspective, they are immune from accountability. Any fault lies with Trump and the Russians, evidently the only true powers in the world. Ironic. Those two are the ones not involved in creating this mess.

The bottom line is, this great country was founded by great men with greater ideas, and we should not lose site of this. In fact, we should endeavor to pass on those ideals while we move forward in life.

I am certain this is what Gulfslope Energy plans to do. And they have my full support.

Mrs. Smith