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05/02/23 5:19 PM

#590256 RE: CaptainObvious #590228

Thanks CaptainObvious.

Daniel Verblis, Organisator
Our latest update;

Its been a while since my last update. Oliver our son turned 6 years old, Tracy missed his 5th Birthday last year due to being in Hospital and getting her devastating diagnosis, so it has been a time for family and reflection.

However we are now again moving forward and we have some updates to share.

Tracy has had a very positive medical evaluation with her consultant in London regarding the DCVAX - L vaccine. Thankfully Tracy has been approved for treatment (pending blood work) and we can push ahead to make this happen.

The consultant confirmed that this vaccine has seen survival rates increase up to 5 years for 13% of patients which is a really positive number for such a devastating diagnosis.

Tracy continues to do well and this has really provided a positive boost and gives us hope that she can stay strong and healthy and with the help of this vaccine beat the odds and go on to be a long term survivor of Brain Cancer. We never stop giving up hope and believing this can indeed become a reality.

So that we can provide a full breakdown of the initial costs involved which we have now been confirmed by Prof. Ashkan in London we wanted to illustrate where the money that has been generously donated so far will be going;

1./ The next phase is going to London to have bloods taken for the leukapheresis procedure – Tracy will need to go to an apheresis clinic in London for a specialized blood draw. The cost of this procedure is £8,000

2./ Then we proceed to make arrangements to ship the tumor tissue from Dublin to Advent’s lab in Sawston. £2,000

3./ The next phase is production of the tumor lysate costs – £50,000. When this amount is paid tumor tissue can be shipped and the tumor lysate production begins.

4./ Following this and provided the tumor lysate provides sufficient amounts the next phase is to proceed with the vaccine manufacture. The amount of vaccine that can be manufactured is governed by the vigor of the lysate – the more tumor biomarkers available, the better we have been advised that 6 is the amount that proves effective in the first instance £100,000

5./ When the Vaccine has been produced Prof Ashkan will be informed when the doses have been released from quality control and the appointments for the administration of the vaccine can begin. Each appointment will cost £2,000 (x 6 appointments to administer the vaccine £12,000)

6./ Cost of travel/flights and transport over the next few months approx £5000

7./ As the treatment is taking place in the UK we have been given all costs in GBP the total required for this first phase is £177,000 which rounds up to 200,000 EURO


Following this we can avail of a vaccination at a cost of £25k per injection (plus administering the vaccine £2000)

Our priority is to reach the initial amount and get the first 6 vaccinations.

And so we need your help again. Our fundraising has been amazing and the generosity from everyone is astounding, we are forever grateful. We have some more events coming up over the next few months including race nights and comedy gigs.

However, we need more ideas and we really need to reach some corporations or businesses who may be able to help us to reach the next hurdle. If anyone has any connections, ideas, insight or knowledge that might help us please get in touch.

More updates to follow in the coming weeks. We have a Comedy gala event in Drogheda TLT Theater on June 30th with some amazing up and coming Irish comedy acts already confirmed.

If anyone has any prizes they would like to raffle or has contacts in the media to help promote this, please reach out.

Thank you