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04/29/23 12:22 PM

#412946 RE: Joseph_K #412945

NO one believed Dr. M. That is why you aren't seeing big buys. May 15th is coming up, so maybe we will see some purchases when firms report.


04/29/23 1:20 PM

#412952 RE: Joseph_K #412945

There’s no way they can make insider purchases right now. They have all seen more data that has not been disseminated to the public. They would subject themselves to insider trading scrutiny.


04/29/23 1:26 PM

#412953 RE: Joseph_K #412945

Stop making sense!


04/29/23 2:52 PM

#412961 RE: Joseph_K #412945

You are correct on that!

They prefer to hold very low strike options which were granted to them, hence NO out of pocket risk at this point nor even an exercise of some of them and :

1) owning stock
2) using the low strike exercise to establish an enviable "cost basis"
3) they can exercise and then sell some to pay the taxes
4) next year he has an additional 500,000 options with an even lower strike (.92 cents)

Check out: $ANVS and $SAVA and my recent purchase of $SWAV for comparisons of options and real shareholder position plus inst. holdings...most large companies have the CEOs owning a sizable stock holding and some even MANDATE that!!!

as an aside: got my MRI today and will see my knee doc on Tues....damn, this hurts! :(