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04/24/23 11:59 PM

#211728 RE: Brad S #211664

I see that Judge DAVILA recommended Bryan for Lizzy, butt the BOP makes the final decision and it is nott bound to follow the judge's recommendation. However, she will most likely be designated to Bryan.

She'll be just another one of millions leaving California for Texas.

SF Bay Area radio talkshow host BERNIE WARD was CONvicted (via plea agreement) of child porn and his sentencing judge recommended he be sent to Lompoc as he had young kids and the standard BOP guideline is to place inmates within 500 miles of their family residence. Sumbuddy at the BOP had it in for ole Bernie and he spent most of his 5 year sentence in a hellhole known as Bloody Beaumont in Beaumont Texas. Beaumont is frequently locked down due to violence and visitation is closed during the lockdowns which can last for months. He did nott like it there. Nott at all. And it was well more than 500 miles away from SF - more like 2000 miles away from his family home. EDIT: now that I think back about it, I seem to recall his sentence was 8 years nott 5. The info is all online (well, a lott of it - some is gone because the Bay Area broadcast USENET newsgroup and a related website are hard or impossible to locate anymore - butt most of the non-salacious details are online still, I suspect).

So, sometimes the folks at the BOP decide for whatever reason to disregard a judge's recommendation and put the inmate wherever they want - even breaking their own policy of 500 miles from home.

BERNIE was/is a total scumbag - a defrocked priest who, besides the BDSM kiddie porn he was distributing online, was only spared further charges arising from investigation statements from young girls he "counseled" as a priest - by virtue of SOL passage and insufficient historical documentation.

Weird thing is that he had his own young kids and his wife was a pediatrician!

Butt by now Lizzy has been told where to self-surrender so in a few days we will all know unless she getts the Ninth Circus to grant her bail pending appeal.