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04/21/23 8:14 PM

#111 RE: gulfwatch #110

JPM downgrade GE few years ago look GE and GEHC

Twice Worthy

05/06/23 9:49 AM

#114 RE: gulfwatch #110

JP Morgan analyst viewed the ZIM chart tis past December and recommended that all their customers that they "BUY" the shares insisting that the stock had bottomed in the $16 - $17 level. He was the ONLY analyst that got it correct. ZIM would go up to the $24-ish level going into it's higher than expected dividend of $6.40.

Stock selling off after dividend was paid. JP Morgan analyst retreats to "Neutral" rating on the stock. Stock goes back to $16 - $17 level. Me ... I was a buyer, all it that area. Shipping rates having "nomalized" non-pandemic year of 2923 but, the word out on the street was ZIM's net income & dividend would re-surface in the 2nd half of 2023. Couple that the ZIM chart is getting healthier and it's Relative Strength improving, and a Seeking Alpha analyst commenting that a ZIM dividend could surprise !!! Stock up nicely yesterday. ZIM does take care of it's customers and it's shareholders ... and does have a habit of exceeding it's estimates .............