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04/19/23 1:24 PM

#105663 RE: dexprs #105662

Smartmatic is on deck with their $2.7B lawsuit. Also Fox shareholders are suing to ensure Murdoch pays from personal funds. Also Newsmax and OAN face lawsuits from both Dominion and Smartmatic.
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Elroy Jetson

04/19/23 2:05 PM

#105664 RE: dexprs #105662

Fox News and the Fox Business Network turned at least a dozen times to a pro-Trump attorney named Sidney Powell who, when pressed for evidence, forwarded a memo entitled "Election Fraud Info" to Fox anchor Maria Bartiromo who hosted Powell on her Fox News show the day after receiving it.

Let's review this evidence Fox News used as the sole source for their "rigged election" claim.

The author of the email Powell shared with Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs, shared exactly how she had come to know Dominion had rigged the election and how.

She wrote, "Who am I? And how do I know all of this?... I've had the strangest dreams since I was a little girl, I was internally decapitated, and yet, I live. The wind tells me I'm a ghost, but I don't believe it." and, "I gain these insights from experiencing something "like time-travel in a semi-conscious state."

Almost as a cherry on the top, the woman's email also claimed that the late Fox News chairman Roger Ailes, (already dead for three years), and Fox Corporation founder Rupert Murdoch "secretly huddle most days to determine how best to portray Mr. Trump as badly as possible.".

The existence of the memo, its enigmatic author, and her basis for Fox's broadcasts only became public during the defamation suit Dominion Voting Systems just settled for $7.875 million.

Fox News stars Sean Hannity, Laura Ingrahm and Fox executives privately reviled their newsroom colleagues who told viewers that such claims were baseless, because this type of fact-checking alienated viewers. Yet in his court deposition Sean Hannity said "That whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second."

But off the air, Fox News broadcasters mocked the election fraud claims they peddled to their stupid viewers.

On another topic, Tucker Carlson gave "Mr Pillow" Mike Lindell plenty of time to make wild claims about Twitter, the media, and Dominion. On Carlson's show, Lindell dared Dominion to sue him, saying he had the evidence of voting fraud but "they don't want to talk about that."
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Elroy Jetson

04/19/23 2:29 PM

#105665 RE: dexprs #105662

"Accountability is coming": Dominion turns focus on Trump-World after scoring Fox News payout

Justin Nelson, Dominion's lead counsel, told CNN,

"This is one of seven lawsuits. This one settled today. There are six left. And I think it sends a message to the other six lawsuits that accountability is coming as well. It's not over.

We have lawsuits against Newsmax, against One America News, against Sidney Powell, against Rudolph Giuliani and Mike Lindell and MyPillow and Patrick Byrne. And many of them are still propagating these lies about the election, and they are still having an effect.

"We intend to hold people accountable because, as we have said, the truth really does matter and if you are lying, that has consequences."

"What this settlement today shows is that the actual malice standard isn't just on paper ... journalists can't knowingly lie," said Nelson.

"Journalists can't say one thing in private and another thing in public.

And when we have that protection from actual malice, and that is from the First Amendment, we can be assured that journalists will report the truth with the full freedom the First Amendment allows."

Smartmatic, another voting tech company embroiled in TrumpWorld conspiracy theories, has also sued Fox News, its hosts, and other Trump allies.

The list of those who have been sued in connection with advancing election falsehoods includes:

1.) Trump attorney Sidney Powell;
former Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani;
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell;
Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne.

2.) Fox News and several of its hosts including:
Jeanine Pirro;
Lou Dobbs;
Maria Bartiromo.

3.) Right-wing outlet Newsmax;
and One America News

all of whom promoted false evidence which refused to acknowledge Biden's win in the 2020 election.

Rudi Giuliani telling lies with Sidney Powell