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04/18/23 10:23 PM

#342657 RE: Shawn22 #342655

The level and depth of pure bullshit and straight lies spewed from this subpenny turd over the 38+ years of this pennyscam is truly unbelievable.

The idiot who wrote that 2014 PR (and most of the subsequent ones) did not even know that the correct plural form is letters of intent, not letter of intents. At least they did not use the hilarious irregardless non-word.

Notice how that 2014 PR is like all the other shit this turd has pushed for 38+ years, nott making money itself, butt touting more acquisitions as the business plan. This turd has no real interest in running a business, just continually buying or acquiring for nothing a bunch of crap to use as carrots to bait for pennyvestor suckerfish.

The glue thing is right up there with Mrs Beasley's Burgers. Blobb Loblaws, VIP packages and subscriptions, and the videogame deal that wasn't. Just more jawboning bullshit.

The "BIG" Interloc Kings business that was touted as the main course in 2014 is now, unsurporisingly, barely a footnote. Sounded so sizzly in that 2014 PR, butt like all things Amfil, it wound up just being more unpopped kernels when reality struck.

Butthay, this is how multi-generational fambly pennyscams go. Touting the chase of one unicorn/rainbow after another. It is an endless handwaviing show to keep folks buying and then holding the garbage subpenny stock.

They really should PR the dry cleaners in SnL though. That might catch some interest. Unlike game-cafes, dry cleaners can be a reliably profitable business. Plus a little spilled carbon tet could really zip up the $17 small bowls of Secret Seven Spices Popcorn (salt +$3, butter +$5).

One has to admit, reading back thru all the non-stop total bullshit PRs over the years, this subpenny scam turd is very entertaining. I have nott had this much funn following a really absurd pennyscam stock since, for example the now-defunct SPNGQ, NTEK, GECC, SKTO, CSHD/CONV, and NTGL. Those were some straight gold entertainment features.

The old PRs from these pennyscams are hilarious. Even the most recent ones too. A little hidden (or not so hidden) Easter egg in the AMFE/FUNN/FUNNQ PRs and paid financial advertisements on is the lack of basic English grammar, punctuation, and usage. I suspect that they are written by Rogerinocchio and he is, at best, semi-literate. Or perhaps he writes the PRs and annual financial statements while he is stoned.