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Elroy Jetson

04/18/23 6:32 PM

#105657 RE: santafe2 #105655

Murdoch and his insurance companies will certainly feel a lot of the pain as a large number of Fox shareholders today filed suit against the company directors, including Murdoch family members, to reimburse shareholders for any portion of the $787.5 million settlement Fox News pays.

The biggest discovery was, as you might have guessed, Rupert Murdoch was himself on the Fox TV management committee directing supervising what was said or not said on the air. Fox lawyers lied about this and only disclosed it a week ago, so Dominion (or future lawsuits) could ask for Rupert's texts and emails.

So the Fox shareholder suits,the other defamed voting machine company and others Fox has defamed are now left with an easy layup.

Yes, Quite the Frankenstein monster Fox News has turned into

Roger Ailes wanted Fox News to be a place where Republican leadership handed out marching orders, telling viewers what to think and how to act.

Instead, it's the Fox News audience who now set the priorities for the Fox News AND the GOP.

Ideas and demands burble up from the fever swamps of right-wing social media, where they're picked up by Fox News. After these foul notions get highlighted by fascist hype men like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham, Republican leaders scramble to turn the ever-more-radical views of the Fox audience into actual Republican policy.

Of course many leading the charge on social media fever swamps are paid employees / community organizers of right-wing think tanks and other groups demanding the repeal of Medicare and abortion all paid for various wealthy cranks.

Typical Republican voters are not represented on fever swamp right-wing social media or shouted-down and their very real concerns are in turn ignored by Fox News and the Republican Party.

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Elroy Jetson

04/18/23 7:03 PM

#105658 RE: santafe2 #105655

Of course none of legal settlement over Fox's lies has been reported on Fox News, as they're not a really a news network.

I guess we'll see to what extent Murdoch has corrupted the Wall Street Journal into a propaganda outlet in this regard.