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J Galt

04/17/23 2:33 PM

#38745 RE: jay14 #38744

You chose to post the link for your own reasons. The comments in my post were directed at Greg Halpern because he is the one who still has the website active. A website filled with gossip, rumors, and deceptions. That is why I stated it was conduct unbecoming of a CEO to associate himself and the company by posting such National Enquirer level rubbish.

As to your comments about my questions being directed to the person reporting to be speaking with Halpern, I can’t tell if he’s being honest or sarcastic with his comments, so I have no way of responding. Furthermore, I have no idea what the “CEI” stands for that he keeps referring to as I am unfamiliar with the acronym. I Googled it and there are many variations.

To your comment about the “next big event” and “fantastic news coming to shareholders,” I’ve been hearing those words for over 11 years, and nothing has ever come to fruition. What is different this time? Operation plush bunny?

By the way, I’m not sure what would be considered “funny” about the CEO of a public company not reporting to the SEC. The reasons given were not acceptable to most shareholders and appear to be nothing more than a stall tactic to avoid reporting the truth and the forensic auditor.