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04/17/23 1:27 PM

#111638 RE: thepatienthound #111636

Hey tell Bruno to hurry up scottie wants this done already


04/26/23 8:23 AM

#111741 RE: thepatienthound #111636

The Conspirators of DSCR Belong in Prison?

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here

DSCR 1 of Many Overt Acts

Discovery Minerals is Caveat Emptor / Shell Risk / Expert Market

On their website for the last 8 months they have posited a blatant lie that they are OTCQB qualified. To a convened Grand Jury, this is a layup Overt Act, to kick off the conspiracy to commit securities fraud.

Here is the proof

Compare against
OTCMarkets DSCR Profile

This besides being an overt act, shows management scienter in refusing to correct this lie over an 8 month time frame.

A 5 year old can tell you this is a lie.

Game OVER waiting for indictments, which will happen way before DSCR will ever post an attorney letter for this dumpster fire. 15,000 minority shareholders lost more than $125,000,000 to this security fraud.

A conspiracy among thieves?

Overt Act and Co Conspirator are the words for today.

This was a coordinated ongoing scam among Transfer Agents, CPA's, Lawyers, Brokers, and Promoters. Each played their role (Overt Act) to continue and further the conspiracy. In the end more than 15,000 minority shareholders lost more than $125,000,000 over a ten year period.

These people all belong in front of a Federal Judge answering for their crimes.

Their mentality was it was easier to sell stock through message board pumpers and fraudulent inflated press releases, then to execute on a business model. The business model of this conspiracy was and continues to be that of pumping lies to unsuspecting retail investors.

Exhibits & Evidence of Securities Fraud

$DSCR understanding the conspiracy to commit securities fraud

USA vs Richardson 2:20-cr-00333 Eastern District of PA

USA vs Richardson Eastern District of PA,
case number 2:20-cr-00333,filed 9/30/2020.

Common Elements
429 W. Plumb Lane, Reno Nevada 89509

Home of the following companies:

1. DSCR; Caveat Emptor Status;
2. FITX; Suspended February 2016;
3. IGRW; Suspended February 2016;
5. NHEL; Suspended July 2019;
6. ANVV; Suspended July 2019;
7. ADIC. Suspended February 2016.

And same cast of characters including:

A. Fred Schiemann; Permanent Injunction, SEC 2E and OTC Markets Prohibited Service Provider
B. Frank Petronis;
C. Henry Manayan, CEO of VIRATECH - Expert Market ;
D. Morgan Petitti; Permanent Injunction
E. Scott Watkins; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing
F. Russell Smith;
G. Ricardo Richardson; indicted/ awaiting trial
H. Joel Stohlman; plead guilty/awaiting sentencing
I. Edward Heil indicted / awaiting trial
J. Gary Wolff indicted /awaiting trial

Why $DSCR's Management should be indicted for securities fraud?

This company CEO lied to the WY SOS to illegally increase the authorized capital from 5,000,000,000 to 10,000,000,000 common shares.

All for the purpose of executing this corporate action of increasing the authorized common share capital, ALL without NOTICE of meeting and APPROVAL of the shareholders of $DSCR.

Further the CEO knowingly with scienter materially concealed (highest form of non disclosure), that this corporate action of raising the authorized common shares from any mandatory disclosures. Even to go as far as to omit this action from the "subsequent events" portion of ALL OTC mandatory reports, from June 2018 to current (4 years).

Here is where you can start reading of the level of fraud you have all been subjected to.

DSCR The $49,000,000+ Accounting Error

Further in support:

1. $DSCR a spoke in much bigger fraud

2. A call for an adverse bankruptcy filing

3. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 6

4. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 5

5. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 4

6. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 3

7. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 2

8. Further Evidence Supporting a Criminal Investigation. Part 1

$DSCR Evidence in Support of a Securities Fraud 10b-5 Investigation

240.10b-5 Employment of manipulative and deceptive devices What are the elements of a 10b-5 claim?

“To succeed on a Rule 10b-5 fraud claim [based on an untrue
statement or omission of a material fact], a plaintiff must

(1) a false statement or omission of material fact;

(2) made with scienter;

(3) upon which the plaintiff justifiably relied;

(4) that proximately caused the plaintiff's injury.

In support of the above the following evidence is provided:

9. Exhibit 1 May 7 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

10. Exhibit 2 May 11 Twitter DSC Coin Communication;

11. Exhibit 3 DSC Coin Not Registered May 7, 2021;

12. Exhibit 4. DSCR Trading History 12-23-2020 to 12-22-2001;

13. Exhibit 5 Discovery Minerals LTD., Press Release Dated May 11, 2021;

14. Exhibit 6. False & Misleading Information;

15. Exhibit 7. Discovery Minerals Placed in Caveat Emptor Status;

16. Exhibit 8. What is Caveat Emptor Status;

17. Part 1 - Using Twitter to Broadcast Non Public Information;

18. Exhibit 11. Social Media Used Pump & Dump;

19. Exhibit 14 Discovery Minerals Tweet May 4, 2021;

20. Exhibit 15-a Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

21. Exhibit 15-b Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

22. Exhibit 15-c Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

23. Exhibit 15-d Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

24. Exhibit 15-e Discovery Minerals Tweet May 7, 2021;

25. Exhibit 15 f Discovery Minerals Ltd Tweets May 6, 2021;

26. Exhibit 16-a Discovery Minerals Investors Hub Message Board Post (May 4 to May 11, 2021);

27. Exhibit 17.b Etherscan - Sales of DSC Coin Prior to May 11 Company Press Release Announcement (Yahoo);

28. Exhibit 18 Discovery Minerals $Volume & Trading History;

29. Exhibit 19. Discovery Minerals Announces DSC Coin on on May 21, 2021;

30. Exhibit 20 "Should I Buy DSCR Stock" the video;

31. Exhibit 21. Michael Handelman, CPA;

32. Exhibit 22. Annual Report 9-30-2019 filed 10-17-2019;

33. Exhibit 23. Why Does a Message Board Poster Have Access to Issuer Only Access Link?;

35. 39 Exhibits That Show Insider Trading Occured;

36. Exhibit 26. DSC Coin Board Shows Insider Information was Broadcasted to Select Shareholders;

37. Exhibit 28.a. Use of YouTube To Broadcast Non Public Information May 6, 2021

38. Exhibit 37 Post index from Marauder Proves Coin Sale Occured

39. Exhibit 43. James M Donovan Esquire;

40. Exhibit 44 Jessica M. Lockett, Esq. filed 2/12/2019;

41. Exhibit 45. Par Value of Authorized Capital Not The Same;

42. Exhibit 45. Par Capital Does NOT ADD UP PART 2-;

43. Exhibit 46. DSCR Nevada SoS Certified Filings;

44. Exhibit 47. DSCR Wyoming Articles of Continuance;

45. Exhibit 48. Reincorporation into Wyoming to Increase shares to
10,000,000,000 circumventing shareholder approval and meeting;

46. Exhibit 54. Authorized Capital Increase from 5-10 Billion Common shares, Par Value $.0001;

47. Alt5 Sigma's Response on DSC Coin Sale

26 January, 2022

IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE REGARDING ALT 5 Sigma Inc., and Discovery Minerals Ltd., and the Discovery Minerals Coin.

We are writing you further to the receipt of inquiries from Discovery Minerals’ shareholders and or purchasers of the Discovery Minerals Coin as it pertains to the role and relationship of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. and Discovery Minerals Ltd.

On March 9, 2021, Discovery Minerals Ltd entered into a technology and consulting agreement with ALT 5 Sigma Inc. to build the technology framework for the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

ALT 5 Sigma provided the technology and consulting services to Discovery Minerals and Discovery Minerals proceeded with the sale of its coin whereby proceeds from the sale of the coin were remitted to Discovery Minerals Ltd and more specifically to the company’s president, Mr. Russell Smith.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc. provided technology and consultancy services only and was not party to the sale of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

It should be noted that Discovery Minerals Ltd. proceeded to file false and misleading statements with the OTC Markets namely the name of the control person of ALT 5 Sigma Inc. as being Brian Scott
is incorrect.

Neither ALT 5 Sigma Inc., nor Brian Scott entered into any loan agreement with Discovery Minerals Ltd. for the reimbursement of the Discovery Minerals Coin.

Shareholders, Stakeholders and or Discovery Minerals Coin holders should read the most recent filings by Discovery Minerals Ltd. at More attention should be placed on Note #8:

Note 8 – Subsequent Events Management has evaluated subsequent events pursuant to the requirements of ASC Topic 855 after the balance sheet date through the date the financial statements were issued. As previously disclosed in the Company’s period ending March 31, 2021 quarterly report and further press release dated April 30, 2021, the Company signed an agreement with ALT 5 Sigma for the development of its Discovery Coin and Gateway Payment. However, management has determined this course of action would not be in the Company’s or the shareholders best interest and has terminated the agreement and is no longer exploring a crypto currency initiative. In December 2021 the Company entered into an escrow agreement whereby all coin buyers will be refunded their full purchase amount.

We therefore ask that you contact Discovery Minerals Ltd. If you have any questions and or comments regarding the company, its coin and or the refund.

ALT 5 Sigma Inc.
ALT 5 Communications
420 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10170


48. Email from Discovery Minerals Admits Coin Sale

Date December 13, 2021 lack of memory is going to be your downfall.

From: DSCR Management
RE: DSC Coin Sale

"...Due to the high volume of emails, we will be having longer than normal response times. We apologize for the inconvenience but we are grateful for your support and patience.

DSCR is committed to transparency, and we are working tirelessly to ensure we have everything up to date on our website, social media and investor relations.

If you have questions about the coin, we will be issuing refunds. Please send a copy of receipts or purchasing agreements to us via email. Please allow 7 days for a response.

If you are inquiring about verified pink status on OTC, please know we have submitted all necessary paperwork and are awaiting updates as well.

If you are inquiring about The Ruby Mine or our JV, please know we have more details to be released in the next few weeks.

Thank you for your support. We appreciate all of our shareholders.


DSCR Team..."

More Inside Information

To file a SEC Complaint you can file one here

To file a Wyoming Complaint with the Attorney General you can file one here


05/04/23 5:36 AM

#111840 RE: thepatienthound #111636

We went through the filings with ChatGPT

And started teaching it how to analyze. the filings

Discovery Minerals, Ltd. Filings 8/15/2022 to 6/30/2013

Here is what ChatGPT is learning this week, have a wonderful day.

1. 08/15/2022 Notification of Late Filing - June 30 Financial Report 06/30/2022

2. 05/23/2022 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Sept 30 2021 09/30/2021

3. 05/20/2022 Quarterly Report - march 31 2022 03/31/2022

4. 05/13/2022 Notification of Late Filing - march 31 2022 03/31/2022

5. 03/26/2022 Quarterly Report - December 31 Quarterly 12/31/2021

6. 02/28/2022 Annual Report - Sept 30 2021 09/30/2021

7. 08/16/2021 Quarterly Report - June 30 Financial Report 06/30/2021

8. 06/19/2021 Quarterly Report - March 31 2021 03/31/2021

9. 04/05/2021 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Attorny Letter of Opinion 12/31/2020

10. 03/30/2021 Quarterly Report - December 31 Quarterly 12/31/2020

11. 03/30/2021 Annual Report - sept 30 2020 09/30/2020

12. 08/14/2020 Quarterly Report - June 30 Financial Report 06/30/2020

13. 05/13/2020 Quarterly Report - March Quarterly 03/31/2020

14. 02/13/2020 Quarterly Report - Financial disclosures 12/31/2019

15. 01/27/2020 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Opinion Letter 09/30/2019

16. 10/17/2019 Annual Report - Sept. 30 2019 09/30/2019

17. 09/11/2019 Quarterly Report - June 30 2019 06/30/2019

18. 05/18/2019 Quarterly Report - Disclosure document 03/31/2019

19. 05/18/2019 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Financials 03/31/2019

20. 05/14/2019 Notification of Late Filing - Late filing 03/31/2019

21. 02/19/2019 Quarterly Report - December 31 Financials 12/31/2018

22. 02/12/2019 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Opinion Letter 09/30/2018

23. 02/12/2019 Annual Report - September Quarterly 09/30/2018

24. 08/22/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly June 2018 06/30/2018

25. 08/22/2018 Annual Report - Annual Report September 2017 09/30/2017

26. 08/13/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly June 2018 06/30/2018

27. 07/31/2018 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Annual Report September 2017 09/30/2017

28. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly March 2018 03/31/2018

29. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly December 2017 12/31/2017

30. 07/27/2018 Annual Report - Annual Report September 2017 09/30/2017

31. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly June 2017 06/30/2017

32. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly March 2017 03/31/2017

33. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly December 2016 12/31/2016

34. 07/27/2018 Annual Report - Annual Report September 2016 09/30/2016

35. 07/27/2018 Quarterly Report - Quarterly June 2016 06/30/2016

36. 05/15/2016 Quarterly Report - March Quarterly 03/31/2016

37. 02/05/2016 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Report 12/31/2015

38. 12/11/2015 Annual Report - Sept. 30 2015 Financials 09/30/2015

39. 12/08/2015 Quarterly Report - 2nd quarter Financial Report 06/30/2015

40. 12/08/2015 Quarterly Report - 2nd quarter Financial Report 06/30/2015

41. 12/08/2015 Quarterly Report - 2nd quarter Financial Report 06/30/2015

42. 06/23/2015 Quarterly Report - Account information 03/31/2015

43. 05/13/2015 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 03/31/2015

44. 03/10/2015 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Report 12/31/2014

45. 03/10/2015 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information 09/30/2014

46. 03/10/2015 Annual Report - Annual Report 09/30/2014

47. 12/29/2014 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 09/30/2014

48. 10/15/2014 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Report 06/30/2014

49. 08/13/2014 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 06/30/2014

50. 06/25/2014 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Report 03/31/2014

51. 05/14/2014 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 03/31/2014

52. 02/20/2014 Interim Financial Report - Financial Statements December 31, 2013 12/31/2013

53. 02/19/2014 Quarterly Report - Quarterly Disclosure Document-December 31, 2013 12/31/2013

54. 02/19/2014 Interim Financial Report - Financial Statements December 31, 2013 09/30/2013

55. 02/14/2014 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 12/31/2013

56. 01/30/2014 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information - Annual Legal Opinion 09/30/2013

57. 01/13/2014 Annual Report - Annual Disclosure Document 09/30/2013

58. 01/13/2014 Annual Report - September 30, 2013 Financial Statements 09/30/2013

59. 12/30/2013 Notification of Late Filing - Notification of Late Filing 09/30/2013

60. 08/19/2013 Quarterly Report - Company Information and Disclosure Statement-June 30, 2013