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04/10/23 3:06 PM

#105558 RE: jbsliverer #105553

It's unlikely that we're damaging the earth in a manner where the earth will not return to it's recent, (in geological terms), ice age cycle of glacial and interglacial periods once we've worn out our welcome, which we appear to be doing quite quickly now. The most recent interglacial began roughly 12,000 years ago and the melting ice stabilized about 7,000 years ago. Our ancestors moved to the sea shore, learned to fish, farm and life was good.

Were it not for 8MM humans burning fossil fuels, a new glacial period would be starting about now as this recent ice age has 100,000 year cycles where only about 10,000 years are interglacial. Earth, as it's land mass is currently configured, is not as hospitable as we like to imagine.

So a little extra CO2 in the atmosphere isn't necessarily a bad thing. Unfortunately we're using millions of years of stored energy over decades and hoping we'll find an alternative before our economies can no longer count on fossil fuels to grow. That will happen in decades. It doesn't mean we'll run out of fossil fuels, we'll just be fighting over it unless we've collectively figured out another way to massively generate energy. Good times.