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02/17/07 9:14 PM

#65205 RE: jimcognito #65203

Never heard of him. Sounds like snake oil to me....


02/17/07 10:03 PM

#65207 RE: jimcognito #65203

Here's a link of a test flight in Salt Lake City


02/18/07 12:41 AM

#65213 RE: jimcognito #65203

I know who Peter Clay is/was. He worked on the first Strat project in San Bernardino. Leigh Coleman told me that he was brought out to California to be a 'go-for.' During my tenure with GTE, all he did was sit in the office or make hamburger runs. He never had any 'hands on' with the Strat while I was there. Clay was the proverbial office pansey who looked as if he was about to burst into tears at any moment.

I think he was newly married when he got the assignment to the west coast. His wife was somewhere on the east coast. I don't know if she ever came out to California. Obviously, he is no longer with GTEM/Sanswire.


02/18/07 8:26 PM

#65242 RE: jimcognito #65203

Jim Cognito - I have some knowledge about the person you asked about - Peter Clay that takes me back quite a few years ago. This is what I can recall.

Peter Clay was an avid poster on Ranging BUll when there were actions taken to move from the ADGI days to the GTEL days which must have been about 5-6 years ago. He was one of those posters that provided excellent discussion and also some great DD on what he did and thought of his investments. We even shared some "tips" to each other about what we were currently looking at at that time. When he would post on RB, he would always generate excellent exchanges and no doubt was "member-marked" by many.

I read your post about 3 hours ago but had to give it some time to remember what he thought of GTEL and what his other interests were. I finally remember that he had a HUGE interest in "nano-technology" which was something related to some high-tech batteries that when & IF developed would change the world as we knew it. I doubt that there are many of us "oldtimers" left since then that recall his name. I also remember him saying that he had some great ideas on how GTEL could use the technology they were touting. Maybe Tim Huff was impressed and offered him some opportunity which may be Vern has alluded to in his post about Peter Clay.

I often wondered what happened to him because he was more than a regular on RB's GTEL board, but he simply stopped posting and he went away. I have gone back into much of my "historical stuff" (which isn't much hoping to see if I kept any of his posts and cannot find anything from him.

He was real and very enthusiastic about what GTEL could do if successful..............Ironic that his name surfaces after all this time!!
