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04/05/23 5:46 PM

#707758 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

"In the world of Bankruptcy where more than not shareholders are usually wiped out...."

Except in many views, this wasn't a bankruptcy. It was the seizure of a solvent bank, that was sacrificed to prop up the government's pet JPM who was in serious trouble with over 77 trillion in derivatives.

But this is all known and water under the bridge, right? You can argue your point all you want, it will make zero difference to many here. You can argue the outcome is the same, i.e. the shareholders get screwed, but that won't change the view many hold this was an unjustified result.
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04/05/23 5:49 PM

#707759 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

Dr. A's $86B plus interest is FAIR & REASONABLE...
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04/05/23 6:09 PM

#707762 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

"Obviously, "Fair & Reasonable" means making everyone who released multimillionaires?"

Maybe not.

BUT, imo, it should AT LEAST mean, the holding Company value is disbursed. The FDIC return what JPM did NOT buy, and cash for the items JPM DID 'decide' to buy, per the P&A Agreement.
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Large Green

04/05/23 6:31 PM

#707772 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

ReikoBlack, do you believe in the terms Safe Harbor, BK Remote Assets?

If no, then you should have no reason to be following this so diligently as we ALL knew for several years there would be nothing significant in the actual bk cases. If there was, these bk cases would be shown for historical and present times as a fraudulent which could never happen.

So, if you do believe in the realistic bk terms then one should know this would actually have to be played out to the very end before one could be negative to the point of believing nothing is returning. This would mean the following expert legal professionals were and are stupid which I whole-heartedly DO NOT BELIEVE!

1) The very professionals who perform the work of legally protecting Safe Harbor assets such as the UWs are real stupid

2) SG and Steve Susman were real stupid or just sold us out and let the Perps out of a (5AT) Fifth Amendment Taking by deleting the verbiage for ZERO in return.

3) This WaMu drama will not be over until the Receivership is resolved and/or terminated however, distributions would also end this for most of us

4) All the law firms and lawyers who represented the Hedge Funds risk their licenses, standing in society, prison time and much more to legally steal nothing

5) I could go on, on, and on but just a barely coherent individual would get the drift

6) Just remember the following two terms as they will play a vital role in our potential distributions:

A) Delaware Statutory Trusts…(DST)

B) Beneficiary Recipients as a result of being part of a DST

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04/05/23 7:52 PM

#707774 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

I think Judge ment WMIH Shares distribution to equity is F & R. That's why they removed escrow markers claiming as worthless. If something is there now how it will be distributed or they will put back markers as Lehman did, who knows.
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04/05/23 7:57 PM

#707776 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

"The Fair & Reasonable statement wasn't meant to just strictly encompass Equity, it was to encompass all parties."

Your statement above is what is called 'trying to re-write history'. The "F&R" Statement was made in the context of seeking the "Releases" from "Equity Holders" of WaMu and NOT "All Investors".
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04/05/23 9:31 PM

#707781 RE: ReikoBlack #707756

(By the way, we were told exactly what we were going to receive for our releases before we signed. Nothing more was "promised". It was message board chatter which gave birth to the never ending theories of promised riches. )
Atleast Mr.Folse otherwise said in the court.
" And frankly,
4 Your Honor, it would imprudent for the estate to do so relying
5 on the speculative ability to go out and recover up to thirty
6 billion dollars or more in money paid out to someone at
7 somewhere down the road

"MW mentioned that there would be potential source for Material recovery from the Trust."
So that $30 Billion comment was a joke in your opinion?.