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04/05/23 12:24 PM

#3195 RE: mauiguy2 #3194

FINALLY. Ya got something right. I quit skool in the tenth grade. I got a GED two years later. Signed up for the Air Force. And backed out when I found I drew 265 and 301 in the draft. I then went to a local community college and got in with my ACT. That in turn allowed circumvention of the SAT which got me into the University of Kentucky. I lived in Ohio. I got a BS Mathematics in 1989 at 3.6. I later went to a high ranked private school for a MBA Management with minors in Economics and Finance. I stuck around long enough to get what they called a +24 which allows me to teach in most universities. My cumlative average was 3.52 GOOD GUESS.

Hey, Mr DUH. Nearly all words of any language are derivatives of other words of other languages. helmut is German meaning "cover" or "protection". As you can see in the link I gave it is an accepted term in English. DUH btw, my name is German. My grandfather came to the US in 1901 and went through Ellis Island where they changed his name spelling in his documentation. My other distant family continue with different spellings of our name. You don't know much, huh?


nclh is bankruptcy bound.

I took two semesters of German while at UK