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Your posts say you are long $21, $26 and $34. The proof is all over this board, LOSER/ Your multiple alias' prove it over and over. BUY BUY BUY LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Creep.
Long way from your $2.50 weirdo . I buy and sell but your so dumb your stuck on one thing. This will continue to go up. And what does Joe have to do with anything he wasn't my pick. Buy another dress for yourself weirdo 🤪
You are so gd dumb, I bet you believe Biden/Harris/Trump. RAM and Jeep are exploring bankruptcy. Grocery stores are consolodating. Restaurants are closing. Retailers are collapsing. Manufacturing hours at lows with record layoffs. How stupid can you get?
Do you remember your "Buy buy buy". That makes you a long ass fool at $26. What a loser you are. Phony.
That must be why they are refinancing debt, can't make payroll and insiders are selling out. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL What a freakin' idiot. The end is getting closer.
They have all time high in bookings that tells everything. What an idiot you are.
Buy another dress weirdo.
How many NATO troops were killed in Ukraine this week? This fool gas no idea at all what is going on in the world.......... Over 20,000 American, German and French. Ukraine has lost its entire military to Russia (700,00-+). I have video posted on Silver Stackers Union board showing the NATO slaughter. Do not trust Biden/Harris and the Western media!
The bozo boy beieves Biden and the rest. He is about to lose everything he has.
You NEVER EVER discuss nclh financial, fundamental or technical info. You are just another iHub phony POS with ZERO contribution. What a loser.
Nope you cannot stand it your so wrong.
Weirdo buy another dress for yourself.
They all become traders after they've had their ass handed to them. This guy has to be a Dem - he thinks everyone is stupid. What a fool.
Todays news: nclh is selling it's cheapest debt again because they cannot pay their bills - a true zombie company. Somebody tell that idiot to get out.
Hey, bozo. You are lying again. Your posts only say you are long $21. What a fool chump. The nclh ship is sinking. You are too stupid to see.
I have made great money with it. Your the dumb ass , I got in in November and sold 3 times look at a chart you bragging idiot.
We are way away from $2.50 like you said over a year ago. Buy another dress for yourself weirdo
Todays news: nclh is trying to sell its debt because they can't pay it. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Ya can't make this stupid shit up.
You have no idea what is happening - none. Insiders are rapidly getting out.
The actual inflation rate is around 21%. You are down over 15% since June long, plus 21% from inflation plus the opportunity cost involved since June or whatever.... about another 3%........ That makes you down 39%. Hey dumbass, if it goes up it is because of inflation and the Fed propping up the market. DUH But what about all those insiders selling????????? Do you think you are smarter than them? You prove what a fool idiot you are with every post.
And it's up the last 5 days, and will continue . Get a life weirdo
News after the bell: Even more insider selling. eom
Today's news? Gigantic insider selling. LOL Dumbass.
Yes brag brag. They probably are good guys , but you are a nothing that started all the name calling because your insecure, so that makes you feel big. Your wager was for a year . lies as you always tell. Get a life weirdo.
He is a broke chickenshit just like you. He never bet. The wager was for 30 months. You need a calculator and instruction, bozo boy. What a loser. You have no idea what is happening around you
btw.... Some of the members in the band where I lost my voice went on to contract for Chicago, Marvin Gaye, Spirit and John Mayall.
Your word is for crap and everyone knows that. We are a long way from $2.50 for NCLH . You never paid the last guy you lost to. So get a life Cottonbrain
Sure more bragging again. Cottonbrain.
Get a life weirdo. We are way away from $2.50 on NCLH
You couldn't be in a band if your life depends on it. A garage band position ?
I have never heard of you.
Buy another dress for yourself weirdo
Do you think I should correct your spelling like the other bozo would? I have worked long and hard for what I have. Because you have nothing you think it is boasting. What I do and have only comes up in conversation. My music carreer died and come back after the same injury Steve Tyler recently suffered. Once you get old you find contacts and many lead to something. And now I join some well-known musicians again because of my work and contacts. I do only contract work these days.... mostly fill in for someone ill or on vacation - doesn't pay a lot but it's fun. And I've gotten to play some venues missed in my early carreer - Grand Ol Opry, Red Rocks, Hollywood Bowl, Ryman Theater, Appollo Theater
My word is quite fine.
Your stuck on one thing you can think out of the box. Everyone thinkss ou're a bragging ass .and your word is not good.. weirdo
You are so full of shit. According to your post, you went long at $21 in April. nclh has never regained that level and is now $15. That makes you a liar, phony and loser. What a dumbass.
We hit the road today - playing Tennessee, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Alabama, then my contract is through. Begin getting ready to move back to Key West for the winter. Later, Bozo.
Your a nothing lier why would anyone.
Get another dress weirdo. NCLH has moved up the last 8 months. Get a life.
News you won't find in the US: NATO troops enter Northwest Ukraine. Numbers not confirmed. Great for cruising.
Stupid wuss. You and he never bet. You are chickenshits. The typical iHub phonies. All mouth and no intelligence or money. What do you like most about nclh? Insider selling or junk status or zombie status? C'mon chickenshit loser. Have some balls and bet me.
You already lost a year ago . And you never paid the last guy. Your a true lier and a Debbie downer for your own gain.
Weirdo. NCLH will move forward
C'mon, chickenshit. Bet me. We deposit 5k to an attorney he pays the winner. for a $500 cut. What a wuss loser.
Your word is no good , you have proven that. NCLH better days ahead $
Weirdo buy another dress .
You believe the Dem con machine. IDIOT. One by one economists are saying an economic depression is near and we are entering a secon wave recession.. The info Biden and such hands out is false. I bet you $5000 I am correct. Pony up, loser. Enjoy the soup lines.
You been posting it over a year ass wipe.
The sky is falling. We will have ups and downs in the market but you are unreasonable with your far off post.
Buy another dress for yourself weirdo !!
Todays news is about asset transfer and/or stock ownership. nclh is in deep financial trouble. They cannot pay their bills so canabalization is necessary. OTC companies do this a lot.... break the company into smaller pieces and make part of it independent from its history..... sometimes if shareholders become neglegent or large sales of stock, the company can sell itself in part without proxy. Any way you look at it nclh is in the process getting rid of assets and/or shareholders. Never a good thing.
Hey dumbass. Everyone except you knows $2.50 is months, if not a year or so, away. It is in several posts here. Your long $21 post is here too but announced as your only position. IDIOT LOSER
Don't know how you get that out of my last post? I guess you can't read at all.
We are way up from your $2.50 you had bragged about. Buy another dress for yourself weirdo .
You are bragging about being long $21 again. Stupidity fits you well.
We always have the debbie downers in the group. Stocks in the long run go up. It never hurts to have some insurance puts from time to time. Cottonbrain wish he knew how to trade.. buy another dress for yourself weirdo 🤪
These guys are the biggest idiots on the planet. S&P futures are down 220. The Nikkei is down over 13%. Biden and his Keystone cops have lied to you just like I said they were, now his fooks are screwed forever. Brokers are doubling margin requirements. These guys are STUPID. The Fed will try to keep some stuff together for the selection (election). But EVERYTHING is wrong. Quadrillions of dollars in total. Yep. Biden screwed ya - they all did. Good luck.
No. Wrong again, baby bozo. I'm all out. In a past life I was a successful professional musician. And those guys are making comebacks because todays youth are anything but creative and talented. On the road right now. You are a fool. You have no idea what is happening. You believe the Biden/Harris lies. Just yesterday Honda announced closing three complete factories because of no business. Multiply this by tens of thousands. The US is about to collapse and Europe is even worse. Enjoy. You earned it, dumbass.
You wish buying puts for 2.50 never going to happen. When I first was buying this stock we were at 13.00 we hit over 19.00 3 times I sold each time. Hey weirdo just keep buy your dresses.
Way up from $2.50 turd brain.
Buy another dress for yourself.
Hey, dumbass. Why does this turd keep going down? You are long $21. Your bozo friend is long $36. Ya ain't seen nothin' yet. $2.50 and banktuptcy are coming.
You are flat out stupid. Bonds have been refinanced at 12.25% and still have convertibles. nclh is like an OTC outfit now. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL DUMBASS
You can't read crap, they are pulling out of all debt. And I buy and sell all the time on a percentage down I sell like any other good trader does. Buy another dress for yourself weirdo.
Your posts say you are long $21. Loser.
Did you read the report? You are a lying sack of shit. nclh is losing money. It says in the report that if there was no fuel bill or bond debt they may have a chance of breakibg even. What a freakin' idiot......... or a conman. PHONY
We have exceptional demand and 2025 booking has surpassed 2024. $$ NCLH looking very good.
I thought it was going to 2😉