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04/01/23 9:58 PM

#310892 RE: strikeitrich #310891

Load up on patches before this goes belly up.


04/02/23 12:05 PM

#310921 RE: strikeitrich #310891

Google KT Health Recovery Wave

There is new packaging for the wave. Compare the two on: KT Tape unisex adult Recovery Wave Electromagnetic Pain Relief Device


04/03/23 10:18 AM

#310971 RE: strikeitrich #310891

I know, the KT Recovery + Wave was in my CVS for a short period of time and now gone. I was so excited to FINALLY see this company's (Bioelectronics) products in retail, something I envisioned and waited endlessly of seeing, when I first invested YEARS AGO. I figured THAT would be the springboard for the stock price, my investment and the company. BUT NO! Short lived excitement and just another in a long line of disappointments following this company and its management.