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04/01/23 10:17 AM

#409442 RE: BAR123 #409440

I don't blame Dr. Missling for staying quiet. There has been coordinated short attack's along with FUD every time he talks or puts out news. This has been going on for years. Wouldn't be surprised if we didn't hear much until drug approval or partnership. I'm ready for both.


04/01/23 10:28 AM

#409445 RE: BAR123 #409440

I know and agree... just playing the positive side. The data further confirms a dose dependency and on-off cycle, but I think many of us assumed these conclusions to be true in the first place.
So in a whoop dee doo attitude is quite expected.


04/01/23 10:35 AM

#409448 RE: BAR123 #409440

You had no idea Covid was impacting clinical trials?


04/01/23 11:44 AM

#409465 RE: BAR123 #409440

This was just an ole, why hide for over a year. Make what you can out of the data and move on. Keeping the mystery alive about the ole data then coming out to tell us that there were only 20 people in it and Covid was the reason is just wrong.


OK, maybe no a HEADLINE but, none the less, it was a type of trial being conducted under international regulatory agency controls and well documented. Our questions should be..."what broke and why and what corrective actions are required and who is responsible to verify the efficacy of the actions taken??/This is all basic international standard regulatory body (101 stuff).

What rules were not followed?
Who is responsible to investigate the findings/WW Non conformance?
What plans-international body actions are being taken??

This is BASIC SHAT. IMO, the WW international regulatory bodies get away w/serious /life threatening oversights all the time. This same type of issue has got to be documented and someone better get their axx kicked or it will (or variations of such) will absolutely happen again. This is an example of why the ISO standards have been in place however (as we see here) THERE IS NO EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL BODY LEADERSHIP IN SIGHT OR ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY. WHY?

IMO, there is a WW BODY shared responsibility . Sure , it looks AVXL took risks which were beyond their scope/authority with no evidence presented here of approvals to continue (WO a PLAN B) in spite of WW CV pandemic. A very good question right now would be, what steps have been taken to ensure it is still not going on in other WW TRIALS as we speak?

BTW, if such trials are continuing today, what additional controls are in place by any regulatory leadership WW??

WE should all recognize that this is a basic regulatory body leadership failure 101. What regulations exist requiring a halt of investigation of all/any associated trials underway when such a WW development is known?