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03/27/23 2:45 PM

#33222 RE: learningcurve2020 #33221

Yes, that is true too. However, a lot of SH don't understand even the structural basics of the r/s because they haven't experienced it yet. Often they are sold a bill of goods by insiders claiming the r/s is used to uplist to the NASDAQ...which often is b.s. IMO ease of dilution to raise $ to pay the bills (salaries) is usually the primary insider goal of an r/s. Ease of price and spread manipulation by market makers is a whole nuther convoluted world -- as you pointed out. I have rarely ever seen a good thing occur from an r/s. It appears that a lot of longs lost a good chunk of equity here after this r/s occurred. I now exit any penny stock position once it becomes clear that an r/s is about to hit the books (which included this one). I view it as risk management.