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03/26/23 10:20 AM

#408552 RE: MayoMobile #408544

You deserve an honorary phd for all of your work - thank you
Have you shared this with Anavex? Feedback?


03/26/23 12:07 PM

#408556 RE: MayoMobile #408544

Mayo, I added your post with 'Spirit of the Coast Analytics' links as a yellow sticky for Anavex due diligence.


03/26/23 2:30 PM

#408559 RE: MayoMobile #408544

Mayo: Great work! Thank you. Sokol


03/26/23 5:00 PM

#408566 RE: MayoMobile #408544

Outstanding Jesse.


03/27/23 2:21 PM

#408626 RE: MayoMobile #408544

that scenario holds true however, the first 48 weeks worth of Alzheimer's OLE data is expected to close out in the last week of May or the first week of June 2023.

You don't actually believe this do you? 0% chance


03/27/23 4:57 PM

#408662 RE: MayoMobile #408544

Thank you!!!


11/26/23 3:38 PM

#440181 RE: MayoMobile #408544

2023 Top shelf Due Diligence for those seeking information.

Thanks to MayoMobile for the best comprehensive data and indepth analysis. See link at bottom.

(( The following part is my opinion only and not an advice to buy or sell AVXL.

I have been investing since Moses was a little boy it seems, and occasionally I have witnessed a new company that comes along destined for greatness. We all know the familiar names The-Wheel forward > Microsoft, Amazon, Amgen, etc. that gave stunning ROI. If you believe that AVXL will receive a drug approvals for treating Alzheimer, then IMO the returns on the investment will be stunning based on 7 Million with AD in Europe, 6.7 Million in the US, 401,300 in Australia, and 55 Million WW.

No matter how conservative you figure the revenue, if the drug receives approval then the revenue will be record breaking in the CNS space; and quite likely for any drug WW considering all the indications treated, like Parkinson and Rett; and the ubiquitous rare diseases with no current treatments. That is my personal take)).


12/11/23 11:54 AM

#442264 RE: MayoMobile #408544

Thx Mayo


12/11/23 12:19 PM

#442266 RE: MayoMobile #408544

MayoMobile, Excellent

Someone should send the following to the MJFF, Michael J Fox Foundation.

Parkinson's Disease Gene Deep Dive:

Good luck and GOD bless,


12/11/23 1:10 PM

#442268 RE: MayoMobile #408544

WOW, thanks very much for this posting of key information-knowledge. Although I will not claim to get it all, I have strong support for the process-thinking insight and knowledge presented as a , "CNS-Central Nervous System".

As a reader I would note the interactive Human Bio-systems discussion- and implied thesis, (which fits exactly w/how we all function). We have very few "Silver Bullet" choices in life. We are each examples of a walking dynamic BIO model. That level of knowledge and interactive reality explains a lot about what works-doesn't ALWAYS work exactly the same for each one of us and (of course) this insight explains why , "one size does not fit all...YET". Understanding (acknowledging) the interactive nature of the CNS may be humbling for many , "BUT, IT IS WHAT IT IS", NO wonder standard lab thinking and methods are less effective when applied to CNS diseases . Keep swinging , we may (probably will) eventually prove that each subject will require a unique-custom CNS treatment. (which also splains why FDA -trials standard problem solving-discovery methods have been nominally ineffective till now)

Fresh Publication on Spirit of the Coast Analytics (

[Finally finished the genome deep-dive for Parkinson's Disease. As we know, Parkinson's Disease more so than Alzheimer's is caused by a combination of environmental and genetic influences. It is interesting to me that Blarcamesine upregulates genes that target some of these causes, including PARK7 - a familial gene, TXN/TXN2 which target pesticide-caused ROS, and RPS27A - a ubiquitin gene with implications in heavy metal tagging.

Overall, Blarcamesine addresses genes in every single KEGG-identified Parkinson's pathway. I hope you enjoy reading.]

Parkinson's Disease Gene Deep Dive: