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03/18/23 10:49 AM

#577839 RE: Troymister #577718


We are so close to validation that I can almost taste it. If you read iwasadiver’s recent posts you will know that what has been happening for years behind the scenes is about to be revealed like a symphony composed then finally played for the audience. Everything had to be done piecemeal ahead of time by everyone because nothing was in place to move this forward faster. Regulations, priorities, tissue agnostic designation, manufacturing related to how to address demand which became multiples of the original expectations because of SOC and off label use considerations created by validation of the data. Then look at the buildup in personnel at every level needed all while taking on the manipulators by gathering info against them and presenting it to Cohen through Wednesday Christian. Herculean in nature being done by one tiny little biotech with friends. When a major investor comes again they will come like a big surprise and those that have been patient and are ready or those that have taken shares from those who are not will reap the rewards starting sometime this year and likely right near the MIA manufacturing validation and announcement of MAA/BLA which even the bears say could come at any time. Best wishes.