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03/16/23 2:20 PM

#405900 RE: lizzy241 #405897

your post made me lol out loud

Birdbrain Ideas

03/16/23 2:49 PM

#405911 RE: lizzy241 #405897

I thought this was unnecessary to say, but my post was sarcasm. I was being snarky, comparable to if I had said they don't have sunshine or rain in Europe. Of course Europeans have the internet, which is why they can so easily see Amarin's news releases.

The tie and picture discussion in many recent posts is hilarious. I once wore the same tie to work for about seven years straight, just to make the point that I thought ties were silly and out of date. Now, I haven't worn a tie in the last 20 years or so, except for once or twice when I had to borrow one from a friend.

Steve Jobs had it right. And, if the share price is double or triple what it is now in six months, I don't care if KM wears pajamas in public.