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03/14/23 8:42 PM

#576582 RE: branster #576579

Use bright colored crayons so they will understand the letter.
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03/14/23 9:13 PM

#576587 RE: branster #576579

I agree completely Branster. I did write Dave I and hope that a PR was planned before I did, but if not, perhaps after it. This is a member of the NWBO management team making the presentation, it is perfectly proper to put out a PR about it and webcast his presentation if that is permitted. I've seen all sorts of links to the conference, but none to date that says you can link to see or hear it. I frankly can't say if that will be possible.

If it's not possible to webcast the presentation, or even record it and make it available on the company website, I believe they should still PR the fact that the presentation is being made and they can state that conference rules prevent them from making it available. My biggest criticism is that I don't believe they've done anything to highlight the fact that one of the leaders at the company is making this presentation.

If we don't see a release from the company before the presentation it's possible they'll do something afterword's, I could live with that. What bothers me most is the feeling they'll do nothing. I understand doing nothing when Dr. Liau or one of the other clinicians speak about the trial, if the company isn't sponsoring the presentation they shouldn't do a PR on it. This is different, a corporate leader is doing the presentation, the company should be telling us that.

Most presentations these days are webcast, but I believe the companies pay for doing it. Some companies only pay for listening to the presentation while others provide the video and slides being used. I know money is tight in many companies but it always bothered me when I could only hear my company's presentation, but other companies were spending more so their investors could see it as well, I really don't think it costs that much more. In the very best case they go to a Q & A session after the presentation and even that is videocast. To me there is no better investment the company can make than one which interest new investors and works to rally the stock price. At some point they are going to issue more stock, the higher the price at the time they issue the fewer shares they'll need, anything that attracts new investors should work to keep the share price higher in the future.

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03/15/23 6:33 AM

#576635 RE: branster #576579

What reason would NWBO have to have to continue a quiet period? What happened on 5/10 and other times they’ve announced good news? The stock price has been killed by the market manipulators. One way to fight that is a quiet period. Only communicate what is legally required until the manipulation ends. Period. Just because we want to be in the know, doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for the ongoing operations of the company. If you aren’t comfortable with an ongoing quiet period IMO, why not sell and find another investment where management’s communication style matches your risk acceptance level?
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03/15/23 7:59 AM

#576650 RE: branster #576579

I agree. SP is lower than it was 2 years ago. Even with release of TLD and journal. The data is there, its up to the company to push the data into the limelight. The "quiet period" plan isn't exactly working or they wouldnt need a loan. SP will continue to get walked down because mm's are controlling the narrative. The data is on NWBO's side, time too push it. Why on earth not PR new positions being filled. It shows company is expanding and hiring? Silence shows investors nothing and can be used to show companys weakness by MM's. SP is lower than it was 2-3 years ago. Why not try something new?