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03/14/23 2:31 PM

#119725 RE: Hattori Hanzo #119717

APES foolishly like myself voted NO to more dilutions 2 years ago because we felt that AA and Company already had $2 Billion in their war chest and that was enough money to run the business. Asking for more money was viewed as pure GREED on AA part. They also believed that diluting the AMC shares then would have prevented a short queeze or a MOASS from ever happening. So why would anyone who brought AMC shares on a Squeeze place want to jeapordize that possibility. If we had to do it over again without knowing present criminal corruption reality in the markets I am sure most would vote NO again. WE did not make a mistake we chose wisely based on the knowledge we had at the time. That was good for us not the AMC Co. Nobody got into AMC company to save the AMC Co. like AA is touting in all his speeches. WE got into AMC stock to make life changing money that the nefarious law enforcers in the markets refuse to allow us to achieve at any cost. By hook or by crook, they would sell their first born and mother to prevent us from getting our day in the SUN MOASS life changing money. Case in point, Look at what FINRA did with MMTLP stock. How the MMTLP shareholders were defrauded by FINRA a government enpowered agency.
So all you people who falsly summerize the past, please do it justice and say it like it should be said based on facts not BS.