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Prudent Capitalist

03/14/23 2:40 PM

#119728 RE: Stockman1010101 #119725

LMAO! The fact that AA and the company smartly chose to preserve a strong cash position ignores the fact of the mountain of debt. The request to issue more shares was to pay down or off the huge debt load. Retaining cash during the continuing COVID mess in 2021 hardly constituted too much of a war chest under the circumstances given the size of the debt load which needed to be addressed in the best interests of the company. AA certainly fulfilled his fiduciary duties to shareholders, but the amateur APES were too ignorant to understand the situation. It was not AA's fault that the shareholders opposed what was in the best interest of the company and all shareholders. There was NEVER going to be another major short squeeze with AMC shares. The squeeze had already occurred and run its course by then and was over. SMFH
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Hattori Hanzo

03/14/23 2:40 PM

#119729 RE: Stockman1010101 #119725

Poor risk assessment on your part. You failed to weigh the probabilities. It was ALWAYS far more likely it would end in dilution than squeeze. How many REAL big board squeezes happen? And how often? VW was the last one I remember. How often do failing companies reverse split or otherwise dilute? All the time. This thing ran thousands of percents from the bottom, what else did you want? They prevent the upside squeeze just like the downside falls, same firewalls and failsafes. The rip that summer was as good of a squeeze as our markets will ever see again