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03/08/23 2:25 PM

#341839 RE: Shawn22 #341835

Core Concept is fine - but is it enough?

People have been stuck inside at home playing board games. Most of the video gamers/board gamers/role playing games that I know of prefer to host in own homes, eat better, play for less.

With COVID being a non factor at this point, FUNN really may need to do things to attract more than just a board gamer to generate more money at other tables who are playing billiards, video games, etc.....and yes, axe throwing just to be different.

Sell more food, sell more alcohol, turn tables over faster?


03/08/23 10:32 PM

#341844 RE: Shawn22 #341835

How about a whine bar?

There are bars that have just that not a bad idea! Or, could open a triple 7 slurpee bar too. Pay with excuses!
