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02/28/23 1:13 PM

#189864 RE: Cynomus #189863

Given the history of companies like Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Amazon buying up companies that had a great idea and well accepted products, selling VERB to a technology mega corp wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. If you've never seen the founder of RING do his pitch on Shark Tank, give that a look.

But that same road is littered with the carcasses of companies that spend many millions of VC and other equity holders $ only to produce things that are poorly conceived, have underwhelming technology and have no customer acceptance.

Verb falls into that second category.

The only component that seems to be generating revenue is the software formerly owned by Sound Concepts - which produces products focused on the multi-level-marketing space (aka pyramid schemes). Even that sector has seen a pull back in revenues.

Rory knows all of this, but he still seems convinced that his brilliance will turn things around. Thus, the constant pivot from one product to another. Fortunately for him, his generous compensation continues whether the company is successful or not.

If the big buyout never happens, well, I don't think you will have to worry about RC. He's done pretty well for himself pulling down a nice salary and benefits all while he pisses away people's money.

his intention was to create a company with the specific purpose being, to sell it,