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02/25/23 7:13 PM

#228401 RE: 808mark #228399

This is just regurgitated BS that perpetuates unsubstantiated theories and is based in an ideology of “just wait till next quarter”.

To date, NOTHING has been substantiated, NOTHING has been connected/confirmed and NOTHING has resulted in sustained contracts, revenue, etc.

If the next 10K is a bust, which apparently everyone is expecting, what’s the point, what’s the next move?

When are all of these so-called “reliable sources” and their assumptions going to come to fruition?

It is an arrogant assumption to think that you and only a select few have the clarity of this position and claim to be “true longs”.

Everyone here has different holding averages, total share counts, perceptions and intentions. So please stop acting like you’re the overseer and orator of this board.

This boards history is littered with assumptions, prognostications, connected dots, trains leaving the station, secret communications, explosive 10K, PR, 8K, etc., that have to date, resulted in nothing.

Everyone here wants this position to succeed, why else would they be here?

But until there is confirmation from a truly reliable source, I.e., LQMT or from one of these so called whales, that results in confirmed, sustained contracts/revenue in LQMT’s pockets, it’s nothing more than rhetoric.

Position: neutral and still waiting patiently.


02/26/23 11:46 AM

#228417 RE: 808mark #228399

Exactly. The zinger will come through an 8k not a quarterly report!

This as how all news was released that had a big impact on the share price.


02/26/23 6:35 PM

#228431 RE: 808mark #228399

“And I’m not talking about the IMO expectedly bullish upcoming LQMT Quarterly ER announcement “.

“Nobody is expecting the upcoming quarter report to be a blockbuster revenue review”.

Less than one month ago you were “bullish” on the upcoming 10K, now you’re not?

What has caused the change in heart?