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Jimmy Joe

02/24/23 10:26 PM

#143184 RE: sloppyjones #143178

Yes..... already protests in Amsterdam over the CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency).
As I stated in my post to Nighthawk, guys like Kenny Griffin will walk away from all of this unscathed after they crash and plunder all FREE markets. They don't want a free market nor do they want FIAT, They want digital currency. The powers that be want total control over us. Tank Bonds, Housing, Treasuries, Stock Market, Crypto, and the Derivatives market. Incentivize the CBDC to make it look attractive, and then rehypothecate debt with a restart reset button. All hidden debt goes away along with debt accumulated. Phase 6 March 6th or 7th and how much hidden debt will be found this time around~? Last time December 5th, 2021, $80 trillion was found in hidden debt. At this six month point of Phase 6 who knows~? $130 trillion or more in hidden debt~? Banks have to cover all of these previously made Master Agreements made through the DTCC (Banks, the regulators).
All grandfathered ISDA expired derivatives contracts must be re-collateralized or the banks who haven't the collateral, money, or liquidity get booted from the island. They go the way of Lehman Brothers in 2008-2009. Bye bye.

Derivatives market is $2.4 Quadrillion~! How is this possible~? Rehypothecation of debt that's how.
Some banks debt ratio is 200 to 1 ratio or MORE~! Any ISDA bank I would steer clear of. Next Phase 6 mark will be the 9 months in early June if they make it that far.

Now with these smart cities, a sign of Big Brother becoming more involved then what he is now is scary. I won't be around, but many younger than me will. And a reason "they" may be attracted to an investment such as smart cities is to give the people you wish to control just enough and surveil their every move. Interesting............ logical. Know what you control and build the infrastructure to do it under the guise of "helping the quality of lives". Interesting stuff like out of a Sci-Fi movie about the future...... only this may be real.

The CBDC already tells us they want to control what we get, what we spend, how we spend it, and what sort of time frame we have to spend it within. Or we may lose it.
Powerful stuff. Of course there will be another standard of digital currency rules for the 1%ers. Always is.