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03/01/23 11:48 AM

#284709 RE: 100lbStriper #284701

Speaking of the 2nd. Most do not know. The Constitution does NOT give us any Rights. Our rights come from our Creator at birth. The Constitution informs government. It restricts government. No gun law, statute, edict or rule is constitutional - period. None at any level. Zippo. The 2nd Amend. forbids government from restricting that Right. The Constitution is a contract by the People to the government IE civil/public servants. It is an indentured Trust. Government workers are the Trustees. That is why the first three words are We The People... The People tell the government what it can a cannot do. No person or government can tell anyone what to do because that is called Slavery. If they violate that contract? Then they are committing Seditious Treason, Dereliction of Duty, Conspiracy, and Sedition. They then can be prosecuted in Federal court as well as charged with high crimes including claims against their SURETY BONDS.
The problem is no one knows these facts. And no one holds them accountable.
Remember no one can tell anyone what to do unless they sign a contract with a wet signature stating such. The only real crimes a person can be arrested for fit into one of these three categories - THEFT, BODILY HARM, or PROPERTY DAMAGE. All other situations are civil matters handled by your local community. That's it.
Here are the tools below to do so:
Title 18 U.S. Code 241
Title 18 U.S. Code 242
Title 42 U.S. Code 1983
Bondsforthewin dot com Explains how to file claims against ANY public/civil servant. They will then lose their job, career, homes, cars, pensions, retirement, personal wealth, and FREEDOM.
P.S. anything NOT written in the Constitution is reserved to the People.