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02/17/23 3:58 PM

#133190 RE: pochemunyet #133188

You don't seem to understand how the conference business makes money.

They're in the business of putting on conferences. They're not in the business of due diligence or verifying the high flying claims of every CEO who claims to have the greatest thing since sliced bread.

The Great Pumpkin

02/17/23 6:06 PM

#133193 RE: pochemunyet #133188

I don’t believe ML to be a fraud and never said that he was.

So this brings us full circle to the fundamentally flawed technology.

If ML is not a fraud then why hasn’t he brought one marketable product to market during his tenure at the company?

There can only be one reason…

Let us not forget Elizabeth Holmes was highly regarded in the industry, delivered many keynote speeches, and was the darling of Wall Street.

It doesn’t matter who you are if physics/chemistry are working against you.

Will he tarnish his name or come clean with full transparency on the obstacles holding the technology back?
