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02/09/23 12:19 PM

#566346 RE: hyperopia #566343

Sure put UCLA researchers between “ “ it will validate your absurd case more lol

Because Northwest Biotherapeutics contracted and paid them to do so

Hahaha just because you pay some one a small amount doesn’t make you the inventor

Again take it with UCLA not with me
Comedy gold this


02/09/23 12:23 PM

#566348 RE: hyperopia #566343

If you dont like this

Researchers at UCLA developed the first personalized vaccine for brain tumors (dendritic cell-based vaccine, or DCVax®). DCVax® has extended survival of many of our glioblastoma patients for more than a year, and some are thriving more than 10 years after their initial diagnosis.

Take it up with UCLA Here let me help you:
Contact Us
Call us at (310) 825-5111 or send an email to to request more information or make an appointment.

Im sure they will change the UCLA website if you ask them lol

Good luck


02/09/23 3:09 PM

#566405 RE: hyperopia #566343


The original patents all belong to NWBO. I have explained before. UCLA is listed on the combination patent and they continue to be integral to developing the vaccine, how it will best be used and developed to treat Glioblastoma. I also believe that they were critical for developing a repeatable and safe process for taking the tumor from the operating theater to manufacturing safely.

I further expect that a lot of the work on the pathology of GBM as a disease and the immune reaction over time, the autoimmune defense and other aspects of the process of teaching the immune system to properly respond will be transferable to most other cancers. There is no aspect of any of the claims of UCLA or NWBO that makes any party untruthful, but there are people who misunderstand collaborative efforts and who seek to incite tensions and or misstate things to make it seem like the company is not responsible for this success.

For that crowd, if DCVax-L is successful at all, it is not an invention at all coming from the company but UCLA only, and if it is a failure then UCLA is participating in an NWBO con job. This seems to be the two threads of arguments from those seeking to defend non-stop attacks. Obviously neither of those takes are even vaguely accurate. If you recall, for instance, AF tried to argue that the current DCVax-L did not even belong to NWBO. That would be the only way he likely could concede defeat. Any other argument would have made all of his false attacks and false narratives not just irresponsible but downright evil. A lot of people deal with the realization that they are doing evil by basically not accepting basic factual truths, and immense denial. It seems to be a very human way of not recognizing one’s part in wrongdoing or trying to evade responsibility.

People who write for a living, who may make claims to being “journalists”, though they are more like commentators or polemicists, are not immune to such human foibles. Their aim is likely not the truth but to ensure that they are perceived as “correct”, and they may go to great lengths including bending truths and even some do lie to maintain that sense that they are in the right.

Doc logic

02/09/23 5:24 PM

#566468 RE: hyperopia #566343


Thanks for the due diligence share. I didn’t have the goods at hand and wasn’t 100% certain about how the contracted connection went down based on what I could remember. What I do remember is that Dr. Anton Boynton was working in the department overseeing the first ever dendritic cell clinical trial in the US which gives him the most time of any current researcher working on dendritic cell vaccines.
Now whenever dennisdave writes some negative commentary we can remind him of this little tidbit highlighting just how much he and all of us have yet to learn about DCVax, UCLA, NIH and NWBO.
Those who think they can do better than the best of the best can start up their own company and let’s see how long they last!; ). Best wishes.