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02/01/23 11:08 PM

#400985 RE: Joseph_K #400984

Welcome Joseph. Companies always know lots more about their business than they tell. Ex. All the various trial OLE data.


02/02/23 9:51 AM

#401071 RE: Joseph_K #400984

Simple. Trade Secrets! Standard Biotech Practice.

How do you know Missling has secret knowledge about Anavex drugs, and that that knowledge is very positive for the company? If it's secret, how do you know it?

Well, he and his research team(s) are not ignorant or inexperienced in drug development. The Anavex people, like everyone doing drug development know all of the standard lab tests and protocols used to determine initial safety and efficacy of new drug molecules.

And how do I know that what the Anavex people have learned about their molecules is "secret?" It's standard business practice in biotechnology. It's information that must be kept tightly in-house; not revealed to anyone on the outside. The information are trade secrets, things that Anavex has no reason to reveal to the public or to competitors. First, they paid a lot of money to run all of those tests. Then, the test results revealed information that suggests and guides improvements or new applications of the molecules.

For example, Anavex very surely has tested all of their molecules on Caenorhabitis elegans, a tiny, 1mm nematode that is a standard lab test organism on both teritogenetics (embryonic growth and development) and anti-aging research. We already know they've tested blarcamesine on transgenic rats with various human CNS genes and diseases. Because the pathogenic pathways of these diseases are the same in both the transgenic murines and in humans with the same genes and the CNS diseases they cause, blarcamesine will work in humans. That's why the Rett syndrome trial (now fully enrolled) will prove very successful. In murines (lab rodents) with Rett syndrome genes and symptoms, their motor neuron anomalies (poor muscle control) was resolved. Blarcamesine induced normalized production in motor neurons of gamma-aminobutyric acid, GABA. Girls with Rett syndrome fail to make sufficient concentrations of GABA and suffer consequent motor, muscle control problems. Blarcamesine will fix that.

But it will fix, prevent, or slow the progression of any number of other disease symptoms that Anavex finds no reason yet to disclose what they've learned. Trade secrets, all. At the right time, Anavex will be telling more and more of what it internally knows. Watch.