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02/01/23 5:00 PM

#15315 RE: redspeed #15314

You state,

"CEO measuring stick isn't the share price".

If that's your opinion, you are entitled to it.

My response.................SIGH

Adios for now.
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02/01/23 5:16 PM

#15317 RE: redspeed #15314

no - Gerald Commissiong doesn't get 3 cheers...!

He doesn't even get a luke warm hand shake, let alone a barely passing -D grade - he gets an -F, and what he also gets is a kick in the arse for running TOMDF into the proverbial ground - and printing all time lows - all the while, diluting the chit out of TOMDF shareholders...! Tell it like it is for once...!

Enough with the excuses - enough - shareholders have had it with Gerald Commissiong - this guy is a pathetic grifter, scammer, opportunist and "Word Salad" huckster - he's a hack - and he is seeking to take your money from your pocket - and put it into his pocket.

This security is burning between $4-5Mil. per quarter - and they can't even pay their Provista Lab employees - WTH does that tell you - oh, but I'm sure Gerald continues to get his phat weekly paycheck, bonuses, lecture fees, etc etc etc - along with perks and everyother concievable G-D expense payed for by TOMDF shareholders

How many gosh-darn horises are in this race anyways, eh? Its almost impossible to keep up with. That's alot of oats and feedbags all 9 of them horsies need to keep going when not a 1 is producing eneough revenue to begin to pay for themselkves - let alone the others - and that money doesn't grow on trees - as one of the prime places they raise itr from is toxic and predatory lendners who dump it on the heads of TOMDF shareholders who all are under water - some with millions upon millions of shares with high cost averages

Its high time to call a "spade a spade" Redpeed and acknowledge this POS is flooded with shares, has a 10-Bil. AS overhang, and is verging on a massive RS, has accumulated debt on toip of debt - and is sinking under the weight of the pandemic being officially ended ...

Sorry my boiler room brotha, but too much kool-aide has passed through the red stained lips of those who are now caught holding Gerald Commissiongs "broken promises" bag....

Nuff said...!!!

MOO proofed again
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02/02/23 10:05 AM

#15326 RE: redspeed #15314

Yep perfect time to average down again.
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02/02/23 1:49 PM

#15341 RE: redspeed #15314

gotts a verfied excel spreadsheet

...on the past - say - uhm +3 years worth of sales - broken down by - say - uhm quarter x quarter...???

"Maybe people predicted Todos wouldn't sell any Tollovid. Called it garbage. Called it fake. Guess what? Todos selling millions of dollars of Tollovid all without an $800K ad in a magazine people throw out."

just asking for a friend of course...

MOO proof