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01/31/23 7:00 PM

#15293 RE: vcf5502 #15291

I for 1 hope not. Really you should not either.

What is Pfizer quits selling Paxlovid?? I hope not. You should not either.

IF someone--anyone gets a "real" vaccine developed (they won't) then we have hope

As it is now--hundreds die everyday. Maybe you don't care. Maybe believe Pax is the answer for EVERY person (its not) Drs need ANY and ALL things that actually work in their toolbox. If you don't believe Pax works--hope you don't need to find out. It works and is the only med approved for covid. Its a 3CL Protease Inhibitor

You can try Ivermectin. I will stick with TolloVID. Until Dr shady Brady comes out with his covid fix (wonder why that expert still hasn't??) we have few options. That is the truth


01/31/23 8:43 PM

#15295 RE: vcf5502 #15291

no worries whatsoever

Gerald has Greg working the DC angle - you know - lobbying with the US Senators and US Congressmen - trying to get funding and cut a deal for Tollovir to shirt FDA Ph111 regulatory testing guidelines:

but with all due respect to Dr. Droit Arad, she does have a 3CL Protease Inhibitor which is on the palying field with Pfizer's Pax. She just might surprise - at least I hope so for those who are under significant water here. No one should loose money the same way others did with AMBS...

good fortunes to all supposedly with tomorrows news update...just hope that if its good, Gerald doesn't dilute into it...