I did not say that the company could not or would not produce ultimately in a distributed network of sites. I, in fact, keep saying that that is very likely in the long-run, in my posts. They will almost certainly move production closer to hospitals and patients in the long run, though probably not initially. That's what the flaskeworks systems enable, when you do not need clean rooms. That is not what Gary is in fact arguing when he calls these "ink jet printers" and talks about selling the machines.
This is not an equipment sales company, and Flaskworks is not an Ink Jet Printer. Those are two very different things. Gary's consistent point is that they will sell "ink jet printer" / Flashwork's devices to hospitals and the hospitals will produce DCVax-L, and that makes no sense for this regulated business. If it were a THERAPY, not a drug, that would be a different product with different regulations and selling machinery is more common for that particular business. It would be the equivalent of selling the kinds of equipment a doctors office might use for sucking out fat tissue, separating it into "stem cells" and injecting it back into people, a business that is not a very good one, but there are companies that make equipment to do things like that... it's not a great business. And machines were made to be copied and knocked off.
So we're not really arguing. You're not maybe getting the distinction? One thing is not the other.
Being an equipment manufacturing and sales company is NOT a drug company. You would not need to go through almost 2 decades to do that business. And the hospitals that then would buy that equipment would find in 2-4 years, that there would probably be 2-5 competitors making such equipment with better features and more bells and whistles for doing the same thing. Plus, once you farm out the recipe and the technology in that fashion, it's basically no longer proprietary and the company will have all kinds of competition and knock-offs because it is an autologous cell therapy then, not a drug. Hospitals can make those in many countries and would not violate patents, and probably would not even violate local regulations on drugs, as in Germany.