KPG.?,be..Only..1..opinion.VS..Daily/Maga..illustrated..facts../.Usin..Flip..psychology with a public forum will try to protect large buys bought higher and .. also speculate on opp' to gain off some hoped for following readers. . Plus many links backing up illustrations with corp..trend and est. busn leaders to investigate indicated thinking its worth the effort and cost to do what the sec had been lax in doing. .p
One more example being much more obvioys was the recent northwest biotherapeutics lawsuit And Names that have been mentioned here inclusive of market makers .in Maga illustrations of daily market moves with explanations circling points to make very clear.. These actually could.. be welcomed by any legal team for jury trial. _ There was followup in the northwest biothetapeutics legal team reply to what appeared to be a MM defence Check for the word Evidence ..mentioned if Following this one These cases can be followed on _ All IMO as well .. Expect a fast rebuttal .. in contrast to this as the usual