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01/28/23 1:13 PM

#399912 RE: concapk #399905


The board see this exactly the opposite ! They had their chance to have Denner on the board but refused



01/28/23 1:16 PM

#399913 RE: concapk #399905

Thank you for your post. As you agree with PharmacyDude & other’s preference for “not more than 2-3 seats,” how would you see this happening apart from the BOD settling with AD before the vote (and is this getting at you mean by their not seeing the forest for the trees)? If it goes to a vote, even though proxy has been corrected to put forth individual votes on each of the 7 Sarissa candidates, voters will all likely pull the “straight ticket” levers - I can’t see retail holders or proxy advisers successfully advocating for just 2 or 3 preferred candidates.

PDude wrote “Bottom line: I want AD on the Board just not more than 2-3 seats (every seat will cost half million share dilution)” yet AD himself is not one of the 7 candidates, so I assume that we just mean here Sarissa representation. I speculate that part of their strategy is that if POW is removed and all 7 elected, they could then appoint AD as new COB (or at least the threat of this possibility is the reason to put forth 7, to increase negotiating leverage).

Regarding what others have noted as a Jan. 23 share ownership recording date, this date appears only in a “draft” “Proxy soliciting materials. Revised preliminary material proxy statement form PRER14A” filed on Jan. 27, and a second, assumed later one on Jan. 27 (at top in list at still has no Date information:



01/28/23 2:05 PM

#399919 RE: concapk #399905

I vehemently disagree and for obvious reasons. The only thing amrn and amrn shareholders need is a swift move in by denner and a swift buyout proposal. Anything less is a disgrace to human intelligence. Some have been here 15 years, imagine if they were 50 when they first invested in amrn now well into retirement. These people don't have another 10 years for a payday and nor should they have to. Life is short and nobody, I repeat, nobody in their right frame of mind gives amrn management another 10 years, and many don't even have it to give so speak for yourself. This 20 year bs to grow what was supposed to be a simple home run has allready turned into one of the, if not the largest circus clown shows in the history of biotechnology and nasdaq. Don't for one second think or convince yourself or anyone here that anything less than a full management replacement is sufficient. Get a grip on life. This isn't about data, this isn't even about vascepa anymore. The financial ruin these clowns have caused have caused more devastation, heart attack and stroke in the past 15 years than the good they will do going on for the next 20. Only option get it in the hands of competants like Denner and get this bloody circus show on the road.

Enough said, you get my point!