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01/25/23 1:20 PM

#399483 RE: Nukemtiltheyglow #399455

Nuke, I know what you are saying - Quit Crying over spilled milk (DU - Marjac - Generic infringing bigtime) - look at current reality and act out of that.

But hoping Sarissa and Denner 'going All In' here' - it is at the same time important to know and understand why we have gotten to this place (the late history of Amarin) where it is not only acceptable to replace the entire sitting BOD and its late coming new Chairman !

It is a lifesaving necessity for Amarin to survive - and long shareholders have any chance of recovering some of their big losses !


01/25/23 1:59 PM

#399491 RE: Nukemtiltheyglow #399455

We all knew the “Vintage Rock Band” approach was insane from the get go

We got the Bieber! Bieber bieber bieber-bieber bieberbieber bieber bieber--yyeEEEAAAAaaAAaaah, let's go!


01/25/23 3:30 PM

#399506 RE: Nukemtiltheyglow #399455

Nuke, we are on the same page. When I talk about what Denner would do, I am talking to AMRN management and the doubters about his ability to get AMRN on the correct path once he looks at specifics. From a strategic point of view, he knows he must fix all the broken pieces so the company can be sold. He will do it without diluting the current shareholders. If you have a health issue requiring a specialist, you seek out the best available. He won't be able to tell you what he can do until after the exam. Denner isn't going in completely blind. He knows the drug, the need and the life of it left to sell presently without generics in the EU. He also knows there is no pipeline, unless the decision is made to leverage V to aquire one.(Something I am dead against).
As far as the US, there were 2 routes both of which AMRN failed at. Route one was to go all in even with generics. Advertise the crap out of the drug knowing you could increase sales faster than generics increase supply. I mean otc products advertise with plenty of competition and somehow make money. The 2nd option would have been go to milk the US purely as a profit play. Right from when they lost the SC appeal, ditch the sales force making the company instantly profitable knowing you have years before generics could build enough supply to eliminate you from the US. Instead, they tried the first on the cheap switching to the second strategy after losing over $100M. Of course now generics have a much larger market share negating the advantage of the second strategy.
Of course Canada shows that a BP pushing V in the US would be profitable. The margin would suffer, but the volume would more than make up for it. I believe this would have helped the company since a large part of their capital is tied up in inventory. Of course constantly switching strategies is a sign they really don't have any answers. Especially when the answer is to sell and that seems like the last thing they want to do.