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01/19/23 5:28 PM

#560733 RE: FeMike #560731

LOL. This narrative is bullshit. 90%+ of actual shareholders support management and I'm not seeing this expanded timeline narrative minus a few loud and consistently negative social media posters. Sort of like how the 10% of shareholders (and many shorts) flood social media about nonsensical negative narratives and try to make it sound like management is about to go through an imminent change at the top. This isn't close to reality. Shareholders overwhelmingly support management.

have a good one mikey!


01/19/23 5:31 PM

#560738 RE: FeMike #560731

Mike. Does the average message board poster even know what to do with a Flaskworks prototype if somebody showed it to him or her? How about negotiate a purchase? And if one did, what would you do with it next?

I imagine most (edit: if not all) people criticizing management (edit: in such a blanket manner) wouldn't even know what to do. To persuade me, one would have to explain to me how simple this process is for me to not give management credit on this front. Then one would also have to explain how many other material accomplishments are so simple. One will not be able to do so.

One looks silly.


01/19/23 5:34 PM

#560740 RE: FeMike #560731

months, years, as soon as we can. i think that coves all realms of possibilities....Anything but a definitive timeline. I would be good with MHRA for 1H 2023 guidance.....*sigh*. I guess if been here long enough you are used to this kind of guidance or lack of guidance.


01/19/23 6:02 PM

#560744 RE: FeMike #560731

When you allege:

No longer are the bulls touting success right around the corner, imminent, etc. Now the narrative is shifting to "it could take months, or even years, but they will be successful".

That is because that is was Linda conveyed in detail at the ASM

In talking about the answer to that question, first and foremost, where we go is we continue working very intensively on preparing the applications for product approval. That is our top priority, our laser focus and we are working. Our aim is to file as soon as we can. I want to give you a little bit of a flavor, it's an enormous undertaking.
Putting together after a trial finishes, and even after data lock and even after analysis by the independent statistician after data lock, putting together the application package for an application for product approval is an enormous undertaking. It doesn't happen in a time frame of weeks, and it doesn't even necessarily happen in a time frame of months.
It can take an entire year to put an application together. And before everybody gets worried, we've been working on portions of it all year long. We have teams of specialized consultants for the different portions of the application package. Sometimes it feels like armies of consultants. And we're very fortunate to have really terrific consultants, and we've been working on portions of it, as I said, all year long.
In our case, putting the application package together has some special challenges by virtue of the fact that our product is a fully personalized product, as you all know. It's not a standardized product. That means, for example, the ingredients that go into it, each patient's immune cells, each patient's tumor tissue sample has a lot of variability. So, we have to deal with those kind of aspects, which if we were making big batches of small molecule chemical drugs where the pills are all the same, we wouldn't have those aspects to deal with, okay?
So, we have some special aspects to deal with in putting our application together. We also don't have a lot of precedents to follow. There's only been one other dendritic cell product that's reached approval. There are T-cell products, and they have some similarities, but they have some meaningful differences. So, a lot of what we're doing is pioneering and we're figuring out as we put it together. What will it take to make the case convincing to regulators?
As I said, we've been working on portions of this all year long. We still have a way to go in putting the application package together, but we have come a long way already. So, what I think one of the things I wanted to do is give you guys a little bit of glimpse of what are some of the things when I described that we're working on this as we go along.



01/19/23 6:47 PM

#560763 RE: FeMike #560731

90% or more of what's written on MBs is deeply uninformed speculation more often that not by those who lack the expertise to understand what they write about. Referring to MB posts as being reliable information not reported by the company or knowledgeable analysis of what they do report is just madness. Who cares what most of the longs or shorts are touting on a MB?


01/19/23 7:17 PM

#560779 RE: FeMike #560731

Now the narrative is shifting to "it could take months, or even years, but they will be successful".

Not a good sign.

Moving the goal posts has always ended in tears for NWBO shareholders in the past.

But this time might be different.