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05/13/23 7:59 PM

#415268 RE: georgejjl #397488

Roche and Dr. Timo Grimmer, Investigator in the Anavex Blarcamesine Phase 2b/3 trial for the treatment of early stage Alzheimer's disease, newest member of the Anavix SAB (Scientific Advisory Board)

Notice that Roche is giving Dr. Timo Grimmer an opportunity to tell his observations from the CTAD Congress.

Dr. Timo Grimmer über die Highlights des CTAD (Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease) Kongresses.

We know the following and now Roche knows that following as well:

Professor Dr. Grimmer. “There is such a significant unmet medical need around the globe caused by Alzheimer’s disease and patients in the Phase 2b/3 ANAVEX®2-73-AD-004 study performed better even after a year despite the progression of this devastating disease. It would be groundbreaking for patients and their loved ones if healthcare professionals are able to provide a therapeutic which can be taken orally and is generally safe, which the study indicates, ANAVEX®2-73 (blarcamesine) is a likely candidate.”

Good luck and GOD bless,